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Q: Is not a strategy using types of questions to find answers in a text right there think and search author and you hidden answer?
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if you want the chess it is 20

What is the answer to the questions from the poem By sundown we come to a hidden village?

The poem "By Sundown" is a work by a fictional character in a virtual world, so there are no definitive questions or answers associated with it. The poem evokes a sense of mystery and discovery as the speaker encounters a hidden village at dusk, leaving the interpretation open to the reader's imagination.

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Why is Luke illegal? because it is illegal to have more than two kids in the book because the population police will get you and punish u for it!

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Hidden picture games are fun to do. These games will usually have the answers on the pages toward the back of the book or magazine.

What is hidden questions in math?

It is so well hidden that nobody has found it yet!

You have hidden things on your MySpace profile but now you have a big empty space down the center of your page. How can you get rid of the gap?

you have to look it up on google because wiki answers does not no how to answer questions corretly :]

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The object of the Haunted House is to recover 4 treasures hidden in the house. Once you have them, the ghost cat will tell you how to use them. (For solutions, see the related questions)

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It means hidden questions.

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answers about the white house

What are the answers to the hidden puzzles in wonderland sim date?

When people are looking for the answers to the hidden puzzle in Wonderland SIM Date they will need to go through the Wonderland Sim Date to locate them. They have not been provided online.

Who is the author of Nancy drew and the hidden staircase?

Carolyn Keene wrote The Hidden Staircase.

What are the answers for the latest webkinz contest?

the fluffington cash was hidden really hard!