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Q: Is not an effective way to prevent heart stress or stroke?
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Can ultram prevent strokes?

This drug (Tramadol) is a pain killer and it does not prevent the stroke or heart attack.

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How does the amount ot stress and tension affect both the brain and heart?

Stress has a profound effect on your ability to learn new things, because your brain is unable to store information in the long term memory. The long term affects of stress on the brain is a stroke. Stress causes pressure on the heart muscle and leads to heart diseases.

What are ways to prevent heart attack?

eat vegetables and avoid to be stress and avoid high choresterol

Why is physical fitness healthy for us?

because it can prevent heart diese and stress and can save you from geeting fat and futer heart attacks

Is Improving personal health habits cannot prevent serious diseases such as cancer stroke or heart disease.?


Improving personal health habits cannot prevent serious diseases such as cancer stroke or heart disease.?


Improving personal health habits cannot prevent serious diseases such as cancer stroke or heart diseases?


What are the main diseases?

The main ones are: kidney failure, heart failure, heart disease, obesity, stroke, heredity, stress, and there's a few more that are not quite so important

What benefits are there to a low salt diet?

It will lower your cholesterol, prevent getting a heart attack and stroke. It will also prevent liver disease, some type of cancer, obesity and also it will prevent osteropoasis.

How does staying fit prevent heart disease?

It helps your heart pump more blood through each beat Causing it work less which is less stress on your heart.

How effective are antihypertensive drugs?

antihypertensive treatment can reduce incidence of stroke by 35-40%, heart attack by 20-25%, and onset of new heart failure by 50%.