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Q: Is notochord is present in chondrichthyes?
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What is the definition of notochord?

Notochord- a flexible rod that supports a chordates back.notochord is a stuff rod of conective is present in the mid_dorsal region of the the lower chordates .the notochord is present throughout of life but in vertebrates .the vertebral column or bacjbone replaces it.

Does a hagfish have a notochord present it's entire life?


Do chondrichthyes have bones?

No, chondrichthyes are fish that have skeletons made out of cartilage instead of bone.

Why are dugongs Phylum Cordata?

Dugongs are Phylum Chordata because they possess a notochord at some point in their development, which is a defining characteristic of the phylum. This notochord provides structural support for the body and is present in all chordates at some stage of their life cycle.

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What is the main difference between Agnathans and Chondrichthyes?

agnathans are jawless fish where as chondrichthyes are known for their jaws

The firm flexible rod found in the dorsal area in chordates?


What structures must be present at at least some stage of development for an organism to be considered a chordate?

The notochord, an endostyle, pharyngeal slits and a post-anal tail

What type of body covering does an organism in the class Chondrichthyes have?

An organism in the class chondrichthyes has a shiny gloss of nutrition on it.

Do sharks have notochords?

Sharks don't have notochords because they are vertebrates. All vertebrates go through an embryonic stage where a notochord is present, but then during development in the womb, this structure is replaced with a spine. The remnants of a notochord in these species can be found as the nucleus pulposus, a jelly-like center of intervertebral discs.

Do cats exhibit a notochord at some stage of its development?

You did. Your backbone formed on the notochord. There are some fish, the lamprey, I think, that retain a notochord, These animals are chordates but not vertebrates.

The notochord is a characteristic of?

The notochord is a characteristic of the 9th & 10th division of the kingdom animalia ,i.e., Protochordata and Vertebra