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no, there is no nucleus in a prokaryotic cell. instead of the DNA being in the nucleus, it is in the cytoplasm.

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Q: Is nucleus cells in prokaryotic cells?
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Is true of prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells do NOT have a nucleus.

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What are the differences of eukaryote and prokaryotic cells division?

Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and prokaryotic cells have no true nucleus.

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Do prokaryoitc cells have a nucleus?

No. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus. In fact, the classification of an organism as prokaryotic is based on the absence of a nucleus.

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Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus

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A nuclear envelope (or membrane).

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Is archeabacteria prokaryotic?

Well, Prokaryotic Cells do NOT have a nucleus or other organelles. Eukaryotic Cells DO have a nucleus and other Organelles.

Prokaryotic cells lack a what while what cells contain a nucleus?

Prokaryotic cells lack a definite nucleus and membrane- bound organelles while eucaryotic cells have a definite nucleus.

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Prokaryotic cells do NOT have a nucleus.

What is the main difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells contain no nucleus... where as eukaryotic are nucleus containing cells... I rememeber it by saying PRO- means before... its BEFORE they have a nucleus