

Is obiwan kenobis brother yoda and Darth sidous?

Updated: 3/24/2020
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13y ago

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No, why would you even think that?

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Q: Is obiwan kenobis brother yoda and Darth sidous?
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Well since I made up the question I say yes ,because he could have takin out obiwan kenobi and took out Qui -gon -Jinn.

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You have to press the Z button when targeted with a Force glow on the Wii game, and in the DS game you must press I think A or X when targeted with a Force glow.

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Sad, definitely Sad. Obi Wan was Trained by Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn in the first movie. Later killed by Darth Maul.

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Yoda and Darth Sidious are both extremely powerful Force users, but they have different strengths and abilities. Yoda is known for his wisdom, patience, and mastery of the light side of the Force, while Darth Sidious is a master manipulator and user of the dark side. In a direct confrontation, it would be difficult to definitively say who is stronger, as it could depend on various factors such as circumstances, tactics, and individual skill.

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Lets see. Obi wan trained luke Darth maul almost beat obi wan. He could of but he likes enjoying the moment. So luke was traind by obiwan so they would be pretty even. But DM would take the win.

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