

Is obsessive compulsive disorder of germs curable?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Is obsessive compulsive disorder of germs curable?
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What kind of disorder does hughes have in the avitaors?

In the film "The Aviator," Howard Hughes is portrayed as having symptoms consistent with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This is shown through his extreme focus on cleanliness, repetitive behaviors, and intense fear of germs.

What is meant by obsessive-compulsive disorder?

A compulsive disorder is a kind of a mental disorder which drives you to perform completely unnecessary and ridiculous to most of the people actions (compulsions) but still essential to those who suffer form the compulsive disorder.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is it an addiction?

Obsessive Compulsive disorder is where a person has an obsession, which creates intruding thoughts in their minds which are uncomfortable. For example, an obsession with germs, and constant thoughts that lots of things are contaminated. The compulsion is a behaviour which is done in order to remove the obsessive thoughts, e.g. hand washing. Therefore, it is different to an addiction, yet the compulsions are very difficult to stop -which is similar to addiction, whereby the addictive behaviour is hard to stop. Addiction on the other hand may be due only to the physiological need for a chemical, such as nicotine, and does not necessarily have to be caused by an obsession, as OCD is.

How do you know if you have Obsessive compulsive disorder ?

If you find yourself uncomfortable with certain types of numbers (e.g. prime, odd) If you fuss about germs. If you constantly make sure that everything is in ORDER, like the car doors that should be locked, the computer that should be unplugged...

How do you call a person who washes hands constantly?

A person who washes their hands constantly may be referred to as having a hand washing compulsion or may be exhibiting symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

How do you know if you have obsessive compulsive personaliaty disorder?

If you find yourself uncomfortable with certain types of numbers (e.g. prime, odd) If you fuss about germs. If you constantly make sure that everything is in ORDER, like the car doors that should be locked, the computer that should be unplugged...

Is germophobia a common fear?

Yes. There is an illness called OCD which stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder. It's an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions). Someone who is a germaphobe, has the tendency to continuously clean any and everything around them. Although not everyone has that common fear, most people do have a fear of germs because they're afraid of getting sick, or they don't like the idea of being surrounded by germs.

What phobia is the fear of filth or dirt?

Rhypophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of filth or dirt

What is a basic definition of obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder which is characterised by obsessive thoughts that plague the sufferer and compulsive actions which the person do to relieve the anxiety brought about by the thoughts. An obsessive thought is a recurrent persistent thought (kind of like that annoying song that loops in your head once in a while), which causes the person anxiety and distress. The person typically knows the thought is silly but just can't help thinking about it, no matter how hard he or she tries. A common example portrayed on many TV shows is the thought that all public places are contaminated. The person will keep thinking every door handle and elevator button is covered in germs, to the point that he is afraid of going out, or if he or she does, will do so with great trepidation. To relieve the anxiety wrought by the thoughts, the sufferer does something repetitively that may or may not be related to the thought. To rid himself of contamination, a sufferer may wash his hands 20 times in a ritualistic fashion after contact with something 'dirty'. Failure to complete the routine results in severe anxiety. Other people may have have counting behaviors such as counting the cracks in the sidewalk. Many people actually have a certain degree of obsessiveness or compulsive behavior but it usually does not disrupt their everyday lives. When it becomes bad enough, say you keep worrying about whether you left the stove on and keep going home to check it and thus become 2 hours late for work, then obviously it becomes a problem. This is what differentiates an obsessive compulsive trait from a disorder.

What made Howie Mandel a germ-a-phobic?

Howie Suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia (fear of germs).He stated in a TV interview that he did not shave his head because he is balding but, due to his mysophobia, it helps him feel cleaner. He also will not shake hands with people.

What illness can occur from eating the skin off your fingers?

Well the germs that are on your hands get in your mouth and can cause you to get ill. i do this too and it is concidered a compulsive disorder its bad for you i would concider finding something to stop i know how hard it is but it's very unhealthy.

What is a compulsion?

A compulsion is the performance of an action or desire to perform an action for a very specific reason. This reason may be arbitrary or based upon logic, societal belief, or personal experience. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) may for example, compel an affected individual to wash their hands several times instead of one to get them clean. The person may or not be aware that washing your hands once or twice gets them reasonably the same amount of clean as washing them six or nine times, but sees the logic that if one wash is good and kills germs that two or ten washes should kill germs the first wash missed. Oftentimes a person with a compulsion is aware of the fact that their specific action or actions are viewed as bizarre or extreme in the societal eye but chooses to continue the action as it grants them personal comfort regardless of the opinions of others.