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The best time to make olive oil is right after they ripen, when they are green. The methods are different depending on which grower you ask, but olive oil itself is made before the olives turn black.

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Q: Is olive oil made only from greeen olives?
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Can paraffin oil be used to produce olive oil?

No. Paraffin is mineral oil (petroleum). Olive oil is only made from olives.

What natural-made products does Spain sell?

i can really only speak culinarily, but some of there leading export are olives, and olive oil

Are there different types of olive trees?

No, just one. The macadamia olive tree. Very rare and only grows in southeast Asia. That's why there's a scarcity of olives in the U.S. The Asians are very possessive over their olives.

Are olives a fruit or a veg?

Olives are not considered to be in the same category as apples and oranges but they are a fruit.

What is the best type of olive tree to plant in your garden?

it is better to plant a olive tree that gives you medium size olive so you can pick them and eat them. small olives are only good for oil. you can plant a kalamata or Volos tree, they both give you good size olives. if you like your olives very big you can plant a Spanish jumbo or kalamata jumbo but it wont give you as many olives as the medium. the bigger the size of the olives the less you get. keep in mind that if you are not happy with your tree you can always craft it

Are black olives high in uric acid?

No. Only garden cress and castor beans contain uric acid, as far as vegetation goes. Olives and olive oil as a result do not.

What part of Lebanon does olives come from?

it cound come from anywhere the only u have to do is plant an olive tree in ur garden.

What countries to olives grow in?

Black Olives are ripened Green Olives, so any Country mainly around the Mediterranean would have Black Olives, Including and not limited to Italy, Greece, Spain, France among others. All Olives start out Green then turn Black....

Is unrefined olive oil and cold pressed olive oil the same thing?

There are many types of olive oil, each made in a different way. 'Cold-press' olive oils are made with a special chemical-free process that results in higher-quality olive oil with lower acidity. Most virgin olive oils are made with this cold press technique, and so are fruitier and lighter than regular olive oils. Regular olive oils tend to have a lighter color, less noticeable flavor, and a lower smoking point than cold pressed olive oils. The lack of flavor makes this oil ideal for certain types of baking, where the flavor of olives is undesirable. They are also less expensive, as the chemical processes used to refine this oil are more accessible to manufacturers.

Is olives gluten free?

Yes. Read the label and see what is on it. Only wheat, barley and rye have gluten. If it says olive oil, that is all that is in it.

What did ancient Greece get from trading?

sup they get goods from trade no they get food they might have not already had Yes but not entirely ture thry traded potery, tember, metal.... in adition to grain. because they could only grow olives, grapes, and wheat..... made olive oil from olives, wine from grapes, bread from wheat... made many things from wheat actually.....

How long do olives in oil last?

It depends on which type of olive oil it is. Olive oil produced in a factory has been filtered and is clear. Real olive oil has a more cloudy appearance. Factory produced olive oil is good for only a few months, whereas real olive oil will last for 2 or 3 years on the shelf.