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No, our Solar System is not the galaxy. Our Solar System is the Sun, and the planets around it (plus a few other objects, such as asteroids and comets). Our Sun (the center of our Solar System) is a star; in the galaxy there are several hundred billion stars, each of which might be called a solar system. At least if it is confirmed that it has planets - but it has already been confirmed that many stars in our neighborhood have planets.

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Q: Is our solar system also our galaxy or is there more than one solar system in the milky way?
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Your solar system is located in what galaxy?

My solar system (which is also yours) is located in what is officially known as the Milky Way galaxy.

Is the Milky Way part osf the solor system?

NO, it is the solar system whichis part of the Milky Way Galaxy. There's also the faint band of many stars that's called the Milky Way. That's a long way from the solar system, but within the Milky Way Galaxy.

Which galaxy does the sun belong to?

These are the basics. Our sun is the star at the center of our solar system. A solar system is made up of a star and any other objects connected to it by its gravity. Our sun has the standard eight planets along with their moons, and also countless other objects including asteroids and comets. Our galaxy, The Milky Way, is estimated to contain between 200 billion and 400 billion stars. Some of those stars have planets orbiting them, and others do not. Our solar system then is just a very very tiny part of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is one of billions of observable galaxies throughout space.

Is a comet in the solar system or the galaxy?

A comet is in a solar system. A solar system is in a galaxy, so technically a comet is also in a galaxy.

Are planets in the galaxy?

Pluto may be found about 40 astronomical units away from the star Sol. You could also say it is about 328 light minutes from Sol. Sol itself is in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way galaxy, about 2/3rds from the center.

When the solar system pases through the plane of the milky way galaxy In December 2012 will all the planets and also your sun have pole shifts?

First of all the solar system is already in the plane of the Milky Way, also no catastrophe will happen in 2012, its an internet urban legend.

Is the earth in space?

Yes the Earth and out solar system is in space they are also in the Milky Way galaxy along with hundreds of billions of other stars.

Does the sun revolute?

yes the sun revolutes because the enormous gravitational pull from the center of our galaxy,the Milky Way.the black hole in between the Milky Way lets the stars in the galaxy stay without it they would fall.the the sun revolutes so the solar system also revolutes by the gravitational pull by the sun it takes solar system 225 million years to revolve around Milky Way

Is this true is the order from smallest to largest is sun milky way solar system universe?

This would be the list in general, although there are probably moons somewhere in the universe that are larger than the earth. Earth's moon; the earth; the sun; the solar system; the galaxy; the universe.

How your planet is part of a larger system?

Our planet, Earth, is part of a larger system known as the solar system. It revolves around the Sun along with other celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids, and comets. The solar system itself is a part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is just one of billions of galaxies in the universe.

Why is the solar system also called the milky way?

The Solar System and the Milky Way are two different astronomic objects. The Solar System, is our Sun (Solar) and it collection of nine planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, together with their associated satellites(Moons), and localised comets, such as Halley's Comet. The whole of this system is contained in one of the 'curved' tails of our Galaxy, named the Milky Way. The Milky Way is so large that it contains millions of stars and probably millions of planets associated with those stars. The nearest star to the Sun is 'alpha/proxima' centauri, which is 4.3 light years away. This star is also contained in the Milky Way. The word 'proxima'' is Latin and means nearest. The Milky Way Galaxy is shaped like a giant Catherine Wheel Correctly described as Barred Spiral Galaxy. It contains 400,000,000,000 (400 billion stars). It is some 87,400 light years across. Most of the constellations seen in the night sky are in the Milky Way Galaxy. There is a core of stars etc., and two curved tails. Our Solar System is contained in one of the curved tails. Like the planets in the Solar System revolve round the Sun, the Milky Way Galaxy also revolves. It takes 212 million years to make one rotation of the Milky Way. There are millions of other galaxies in the universe, which to the naked eye appear to be stars The Solar System appears to be very large, but compared to the Milky Way it is miniscule. We are only a dot point in the whole. Hope that helps you to distinguish the Solar system from the Milky Way Galaxy.

What galaxy does planet earth belongs to?

Our solar system is not far from the end of one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Our sun is about 26 or 27 thousand light years from the galactic center, and the galaxy is about 70 to 100 thousand light years across. See link for more information.See link for pictorial representation.