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Its chemical b/c its burnt and can't turn back. CHEMICAL.

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Dell Herzog

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2y ago
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Emie Howe

Lvl 10
2y ago

Cooking a pancake on the griddle is a chemical change

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12y ago

its a chemical reaction because it can not be changed back into pancake batter

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Q: Is pancakes cook on a griddle a physical or chemical change?
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Is pancakes cook on a griddle physical or chemical?

It is a chemical reaction.

Pancakes cooking on a griddle?

Pancakes are cooking on a hot griddle until bubbles form on the surface, then flipped to cook the other side until golden brown and fluffy. The smell of butter and syrup fills the kitchen as the pancakes sizzle on the griddle, creating a comforting and delicious breakfast treat.

Is pancakes cooking physical or chemical?

Physical change :D

Is pancakes a chemical or physical?

Basically it is an Chemical reaction due to that it change it physically too. It is a chemical.

Are pancakes cooking a chemical change?

Yes, cooking pancakes involves a chemical change. The heat applied during cooking causes the ingredients in the batter to undergo chemical reactions, leading to the browning of the pancake's surface and the transformation of raw batter into a cooked pancake.

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