

Is paper alive

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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No: paper, when you have it and you're writing on it, is not alive, it is merely the product of a once-living tree.

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Q: Is paper alive
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Is paper dead or alive?

Even though it is from trees paper is non living.

Is the paper you write on alive?

Put simply, no.

Is paper living dead or non living?

Because paper is almost always made from biomaterials, the source was once alive. By the time the material becomes paper, all the cells that were once alive are no longer alive, but you can still see remnants of them if you were to examine the paper with strong enough magnification. By this reasoning paper would be "dead". The term non-living is usually reserved for matter that was never alive in the first place.

Is paper a living or nonliving?

Paper is a non living thing, Paper is usually made from thing that were once alive.

Why is paper organic?

Paper is organic because it is made from cellulose which comes from trees. Which in other words is that the cells are alive and that is why paper is organic.

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Columbus Alive is a free weekly newspaper that is published in Columbus, Ohio. The articles in this paper are focused on things such as local arts, culture and music.

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The seeds INSIDE the packet should be. The packet itself is paper or foil and is of course, not alive.

What of the living things come from things that were once alive?

Your home is made of trees that were once alive, as well as paper. Things you eat were once alive such as pumpkin seeds.

Is Dr Harry Coover alive?

Yes he. Is still alive cause I am doing a research paper on him and how he accidentally made super glue so yes it is a fact that he is alive

Was book once alive?

No, a book was never alive. Books are inanimate objects made from paper, cardboard, and other materials. They are created by humans.

What are animate and inanimate objects?

Animate objects are things that are alive like animals and plants, inanimate objects aren't alive, like books and paper.

Is Thomas Altizer still alive?

Yes. He gave a paper at the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in Toronto in November 2009 and was then very much alive.