

Is permanent damage to your ear due to loud noises?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is permanent damage to your ear due to loud noises?
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How can cochlea be damaged by loud sounds?

Yes. Sound is measured by decibels. It is safe to only hear 65 decibels or less. If sound is higher than 65 decibels, it can 95.6% damage your eardrums. Listening to music through your headphones at highest volume from an mp3 or an iPhone is considered 82 decibels. Listening to a concert is considered 167 decibels. A blue whale is 300+. :)

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What causes hearing impairment?

Typical permanent hearing loss is due to damage caused to the eardrum, which can include scaring or perforation, normally caused by exposure to loud noises. Typical temporary hearing loss is normally due either to waxy buildup on the outside of the eardrum (DO NOT TRY TO CLEAR THIS YOURSELF), or a buildup of pressure on the inside wall of the eardrum. There are countless other types of temporary and permanent hearing loss and reduction, consult a medical professional if you even suspect your hearing may be degrading. Many types of hearing loss are preventable if caught in the early stages.

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Can everyday loud sound cause brain damage in hyperacausis people or people with sound phobia?

Regardless of psychological condition, loud sounds can cause brain damage, due to vibrations in the skull. In people with "sound phobia", this effect can be increased by the normal stress reactions to loud sounds, however there is a slight lack of research supporting this.

How can loud noise cause damage to the ear?

Your ear contains a thin membrane that vibrates when sound waves hit it. The louder the sound the more the membrane vibrates. Just like a drum skin the ear drum can burst if vibrated too much. The bones in the inner ear are filled with fluid and lined with tiny hairs. The vibration of sound waves moves this liquid and applies pressure to the hairs which your brain interprets as sound. If these tiny hairs are damaged due to excessive noise it can reduce hearing significantly. Anything above 80 decibels can cause hearing loss.