

Noise Pollution

Noise is considered as pollution if it badly affects human and wildlife activity, or if it can damage physical structures on a recurring or regular basis. Sources of noise pollution include transportation and construction systems, and mechanical equipments.

770 Questions

Do cell phones cause noise pollution..?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, cell phones can contribute to noise pollution when used in public spaces at high volume or when notifications and alerts are left on in quiet settings. Prolonged exposure to loud phone conversations or ringing tones can disrupt the peace and quiet of the surrounding environment.

Which is biggest noise pollution in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Traffic noise is one of the biggest sources of noise pollution in the world, with millions of people affected by it. Additionally, industrial activities, construction sites, and airports also contribute significantly to noise pollution levels.

How much does electricity cost per kilowatt hour in Cavite?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electricity rates in Cavite vary depending on the distribution utility company, consumption volume, and pricing structure. As of January 2022, the average residential electricity rate in Cavite is around PHP 10 to PHP 12 per kilowatt-hour. For specific and up-to-date rates, it's best to check with the local distribution utility company or visit their website.

How do you make a plant in alchemy?

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Asked by Wiki User

In alchemy, creating a plant involves using natural materials like leaves, flowers, and roots, along with alchemical processes to purify and transform them into a potent elixir or extract. This can involve distillation, maceration, or fermentation to extract the plant's essence or medicinal properties. The final product is believed to possess healing or transformative properties.

Where in China has the most noise pollution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Major cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, tend to have high levels of noise pollution due to heavy traffic, construction activities, and large populations. Additionally, industrial areas and densely populated urban centers are also prone to significant noise pollution in China.

What are the natural sources of pyridoxine?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Meats are the best food source of pyridoxine, followed by dairy and eggs. Although some grains contain B vitamins, they are generally lost in processing. Bananas, potatoes, mangos, and avocados have the highest vitamin B6 value

How do you make a model of plateau?

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Asked by Wiki User

To make a model of a plateau, you can use clay or molding materials to create the uneven surface characteristics of a plateau. Paint the model with appropriate colors and textures to resemble the vegetation and geological features of a plateau. Add any additional details like rivers or cliffs to enhance the realism of the model.

How much does electricity cost per kilowatt hour in Alabama?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average electricity rate in Alabama is around 10-11 cents per kilowatt-hour for residential customers. This rate can vary depending on the specific utility provider and the type of plan you have.

Is Tom Erickson of WNIR Gay?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not appropriate to discuss someone's sexual orientation without their consent. It is important to respect individuals' privacy and to focus on their professional work rather than personal matters.

What is a loud explosive noise?

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Asked by Wiki User

A loud explosive noise is a sudden and sharp sound resulting from a rapid release of energy, typically caused by an explosion or impact. It can be very disturbing and may result in hearing damage if experienced at high levels.

How does smoke affect the water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Smoke can have a harmful impact on water quality by introducing toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and other pollutants. When smoke particles settle on or are carried into bodies of water, they can contaminate the water and harm aquatic life. In severe cases, smoke pollution can lead to water discoloration, depletion of oxygen levels, and disruption of the aquatic ecosystem.

How do plants help in reducing noise pollution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants can absorb sound waves and reduce noise pollution by acting as a barrier between the source of the noise and the receiver. Their leaves, branches, and trunks can help to reflect, diffract, or absorb sound waves. Additionally, the presence of plants can create a more calming environment, which can help mask the noise pollution.

What are units of noise pollution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Units of noise pollution are typically measured in decibels (dB), which quantifies the intensity or loudness of the noise. Sound level meters are commonly used to measure noise pollution levels in various environments.

What do you understand by environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

The environment refers to the surroundings and conditions that impact living organisms, including physical factors like air, water, and land, as well as biological factors like plants and animals. It also includes human-made elements such as buildings and infrastructure. The environment plays a crucial role in supporting life and sustaining ecosystems.

Remedial measures of pollution created by plastic bags?

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Asked by Wiki User

Remedial measures for plastic bag pollution include implementing bans or fees on plastic bags, promoting the use of reusable bags, implementing recycling programs specifically for plastic bags, and educating the public about the environmental impact of plastic bags. Efforts to reduce single-use plastics and promote sustainable alternatives are crucial in addressing plastic bag pollution.

Introduction to noise pollution?

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Asked by Wiki User

Noise pollution refers to excessive, disturbing, or unwanted noise that disrupts the natural environment or human activities. It can be caused by various sources such as traffic, industrial activities, construction, and recreational events. Prolonged exposure to noise pollution can lead to various health issues including hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances.

What are the benefits of conserving the natural resources?

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Asked by Wiki User

Conserving natural resources helps maintain biodiversity, supports ecosystem services like clean air and water, and mitigates climate change by reducing carbon emissions. It also ensures sustainability for future generations and promotes a healthier environment for all living organisms.

What are the negative effects of urbanization?

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Asked by Wiki User

1) Increased population leads to more waste, garbage and byproducts.

2) Natural habitats destroyed for housing purposes

3) Poor waste management causes the spread of disease and pollution

4) Food demand increases and more land needs to be cleared for food production

5) High density of people can lead to conflicts and the quick spread of health problems

How much carbon dioxide is emitted from sending an email?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electronic e-mail consumes a small amount of electricity in its composition, delivery, and subsequent reception and reading. If the electricity is generated via some renewable resource or by nuclear energy, very little carbon dioxide is emitted, over all. If one assumes all the energy used to produce the computer used to transmit the e-mail, mine the sand (for optical fiber) or copper used to string the transmission cables, and so on, more CO2 is liberated. This, however, is amortized by the volume of data processed by the computer and the information sent over the line. Economies of scale make e-mail transmission far more economical, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, than sending messages written on scraps of paper.

In terms of greenhouse gas emissions e-mail is probably the most efficient means of communication ever developed, overall. Composition of the e-mail requires the greatest amount of time. A laptop uses anywhere from 15 to 45 watts. A desktop PC consumes between 60 and 250 watts. The message then passes through a router to the mail server of your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Their equipment handles it a tiny fraction of a second, in parsing the address to determine where it should go. The message may typically take 20 to 40 hops to reach the destination of the recipient's mail server. If their mail reader polls the server every minute they are probably wasting some energy. It may sit on the server a few minutes or a few days--eventually the recipient's mail client will pull it onto their PC and they will read it. Reading is usually much quicker than writing, so the energy use at that end will be less.

As more and more energy is derived from non fossil fuel sources, the total CO2 emissions will decline. In the grand scheme of things, the CO2 emitted from driving to meet a person enormously dwarfs the CO2 emitted by even millions of e-mails and instant messages.

Why is weather worse at night?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weather may feel worse at night due to cooler temperatures and reduced visibility. Cold temperatures can make conditions feel more uncomfortable, while reduced visibility can make it harder to navigate and exacerbate the feeling of unease. Additionally, night weather may seem worse due to psychological factors such as feeling more vulnerable in the darkness.

What causes a whistle sound when you go speeds at 45 55 and 65 when you drive down the road?

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Asked by FORDFAN

A whistle sound at specific speeds could be caused by wind passing through a small gap or hole in the vehicle, such as a window seal, door seal, or roof rack. Check for any areas where air could be passing through and causing the sound. Additionally, it could be caused by a damaged weatherstrip or improperly adjusted side mirror.

What affects the speed of sound?

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Asked by Wiki User

The speed of sound is affected by the medium it travels through. It travels faster in denser materials and at higher temperatures. Additionally, humidity and pressure also play a role in determining the speed of sound.

What is the Biggest measurement ever?

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Asked by Wiki User

The familiar "kilo" pefix (Kilometer, kilogram) is one thousand or 103 times bigger than the base measurement. The system has prefixes going up to "yotta" or 1024 (1 followed by 24 zeros) times the base measurement The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98 × 1024 kg or 5,980.0 yottagrams (5,980 Yg)

How do you use the high-low method in estimating cost function with machine hours as the cost driver you have data machine hours kilowatt hours and total overhead costs for january-june.?

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Asked by Wiki User

To use the high-low method, you would first identify the highest and lowest level of machine hours and their corresponding total overhead costs from January to June. Then, calculate the variable cost per machine hour by subtracting the total overhead cost at the lowest level from that at the highest level, and dividing by the difference in machine hours between the two levels. Finally, use this variable cost per machine hour to estimate total overhead costs at any level of machine hours by multiplying it with the number of machine hours used.