

Oil Spills

Questions related to the causes and effects of an oil spill, and ways of cleaning them up should be asked here.

500 Questions

Will the Gulf oil spill affect the US - UK ties?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Gulf oil spill may strain US-UK ties if British companies or government agencies are found to be accountable for the disaster. However, the impact on the relationship will depend on how both countries respond to the situation and cooperate in addressing the environmental and economic implications of the spill.

Why would water not be effective in cleaning up a grease spill?

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Asked by Wiki User

Water is not effective in cleaning up grease spills because grease is nonpolar and does not mix with water. Water molecules are polar and cannot break down the nonpolar grease molecules. This causes the grease to float on top of the water, making it difficult to remove.

When dumping a dump truck the hydraulic oil spills from fill cap why?

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There could be a few possible reasons for hydraulic oil spilling from the fill cap when dumping a dump truck. One reason could be that the hydraulic system is overfilled, causing excess pressure and resulting in oil leakage. Another possibility could be a faulty or damaged fill cap, causing inadequate sealing. It is also important to check if the dump truck is tilted or positioned unevenly during dumping, which could lead to oil spillage from the fill cap.

Oil spills affect animals and plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oil spills can have detrimental effects on animals and plants. The oil coats the feathers or fur of animals, impairing their ability to fly, swim, or move. It can also disrupt the balance of marine ecosystems by killing or contaminating fish, shellfish, and other aquatic organisms. Plants near the spill area can die due to the toxic substances present in the oil.

What is the oil called that formed from sea animals of long ago?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oil is formed from the compressed remains of plankton. It is not made from fossils or considered a fossil, despite the name "fossil fuel". What actually happens is that, over millions of years the pressure from the ground would eventually turn it to a liquid. A liquid we call "oil".

Do whales make oil?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes... a really long time ago that's where people used to get oil from. They kill whales then do something to it.

What is the relation between oil spills and death of sea birds?

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Asked by Wiki User

after spelling of oil fishes goes from that area and thus birds dies

What is the top 5 most sold watches in the US?

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Following are the best selling watches in the market.

What is a greenfield environment?

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Greenfield is a term used for endeavors that does not have any constraints imposed by prior work. The term is derived from construction industry where a new structure is built on a farm land - "green field" - without having the need to demolish/move any existing structures. It is same way in IT too that refers to a fresh implementation and is not bound by existing system constraints.


S. Aakassh

What can be solutions to environmental problems?

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Asked by Wiki User

3'R's are the solution, REDUCE, RECYCLE & REUSE


Consumption of natural resources to the extent possible

Emission of carbon into atmosphere

Developmental projects affecting environment

Human activities acclerating global warming and climate changes

Deforestation for developmental activities

Consumption of non biodegradable materials in every day life

Human activities causing pollution of water bodies, air, forests, soil

Consumption of energy to reduce pollution and exploitation of nature


All wasted/spent natural resources to reduce their consumption

All used materials with the available technologies

All used materials manufactured with trees/plants to reduce deforestation


All spent natural resources to reduce more fresh consumption

All materials manufactured with trees/plants for their conservation

All recycled materials to reduce the demand

ALSO: Education. It is not this simple to solve our current-day environmental problems. There has to be a paradigm shift in our way of thought and the way we perceive our environment. Still, these ideas are being very much debated.

Why should bilges be kept clean and free of oil?

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Asked by Wiki User

to reduce the risk of pollution

How can oil spills happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oil spills happen when people make mistakes or are careless and cause an oil tanker to leak oil into the ocean. There are a few more ways an oil spill can occur. Equipment breaking down may cause an oil spill. If the equipment breaks down, the tanker may get stuck on shallow land. When they start to drive the tanker again, they can put a hole in the tanker causing it to leak oil.

What are the pros and cons of going to counseling?

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Asked by Wiki User

the pros and cons of going to counseling is that you can have someone to talk to and share how you feel... also counseling doesnt make you feel lonely. the con about going to counsaeling is that you feel like a idiot and like a freak... also it takes up your time with all those dumb questions they ask you..

How did bp stop the oil spill?

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Asked by Wiki User

The oil spill is the result of a well blowout and unfortunately, we still do not have all the answers as to why the well blew out. It was a known "gassy" reservoir of oil, so it could be explained, as some suggest, by a large bubble of methane gas rushing out of the drill pipe, igniting and exploding. The explosion in April 2010 killed 11 people working on the rig.

Because of the fire or the explosion, a wellhead was damaged, the drilling rig collapsed breaking the piping that connected the drill to the well approximately 5000 ft below sea level, which allowed oil to begin to flow directly into the ocean. The fail safes that are supposed to protect the environment and people in this type of situation failed, or were inadequate under the deep well conditions.

Halliburton had finished cementing in a production casing and abnormal pressures were detected in the marine riser. But until more information is revealed, the cause is still speculative. Many more details should be available after a full inquiry is made.

See link for additional discussion of events.

How does the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico effect the environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

It doesn't; at east not yet. Most oil is transported by the Gulf of Mexico stream, which is taking it into the Gulf states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama) and then bordering Florida's coast into the Atlantic Ocean.

This doesn't mean however, that Mexico is safe: with the hurricane season any cyclone could hit the oil spill, "transporting" the oil into far and away lands, including Mexico.

Where can you buy sandhi sudha oil in nepal inside kathmandu?

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Asked by Wiki User

We sell original sandi sudha,new advance formula with green packing contact in kathmandu 014673000, 9841719562, 975103898

What ways have been tried to stop oil spilling into the gulf of Mexico?

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Several actions are being taken. Two relief wells are planned- and I believe the first may be spudded shortly. This action takes months, but should cap the blowout. In the meantime, they can take remedial action to mitigate the consequences of the spill- booms, dispersants and controlled burns. I don't know if remote operated vessels will make any more attempts at actuating the blow out preventers.

Where can you buy sandhi sudha in Saudi Arabia?

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Asked by Wiki User

1. Do not buy Sandhi Sudha oil. It is just a advertisement gimmeck. They won't return your money in 15 days. Their office in Indore, India is managed by scammers who keep on ignoring your requests till you give up.

2. I buy Sandhi Sudha for my back pain. It does not produce results.

3. I agree. Sandhi Sudha is very general quality but much-much overpriced oil by jiva. Also the price includes high advertising cost.

How can an earthquake affect animals?

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Asked by Bwhellum

Stories abound describing how birds, including ocean or sea fowl, and land animals become anxious, try to run away (such as zoo animals), or flee an area before an earthquake or a tsunami. Some people say that, suddenly, birds in cities become eerily quiet (such as before the quake in Christchurch, New Zealand) and begin to fly away in flocks. As well, some stories describe how fish congregate in shallow waters before an undersea earthquake occurs.

What is heavier oil or water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Light Oil is a blend and can vary from 880 to 920 kg/m3

Heavy oil is normally 920 kg/m3

How long did it take to clean up the dead bodies at Gettysburg?

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the battle of gettysburg took 5 months to clean up

Who caused the gulf war oil spill?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Iraqis purposely spilled millions of gallons of oil from Kuwait into the gulf as they were to be attacked.

It was an act of defiance and was also hoped to slow down the advance of American troops.

How would you describe the oil embargo of the early 1970's?

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Asked by Wiki User

The OPEC oil embargo was a serious attempt to badly damage the economies of many foreign oil dependent nations. In the US ordinary citizen drivers had to use odd and even numbered license plates to line up at gasoline stations. It was effective in the short run for OPEC nations.

What is an embargo on oil and other supplies?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to this online encyclopedia: An embargo is usually enacted in order to force another nation to do something or to stop doing something. MrV ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons; "embargoed publications"