

Is physical a verb

Updated: 9/20/2023
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10y ago

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No, it is not a verb. It can be an adjective, or a noun (physical exam).

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Q: Is physical a verb
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What is a physical part verb?

A physical part verb is called an action verb. An action verb will show an action that is either mental or physical.

How do you use physical action verb?

A physical verb is a verb that is used to describe the action of a sentence

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What is a physical verb?

A physical verb is a verb that is used to describe the action of a sentance "I want you to go" Imagine saying this as a question, a joke, flirting, mocking or angry and there you have your physical verbs

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mental verb

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The mental verb the the verb that you do it in your mind

Is announced a mental or physical action verb?

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What is a physical action verb?

A physical action verb is a word for a physical action, such as the verbs to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or to run, lift, push, rub, dig. A non-physical verb is a word for an action that is not physical, such as to think, feel, hope, love, dream.

What are the examples of physical action verb?

A physical action verb is a word for a physical action, such as the verbs to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or to run, lift, push, rub, dig. A non-physical verb is a word for an action that is not physical, such as to think, feel, hope, love, dream.