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No, it is not considered physical abuse unless it is done in a rough manner that can leave bruises.

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Q: Is picking someone up considered physical abuse?
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Is swearing at someone considered abusive?

Yes it is abuse , it is called mental abuse and things can turn physical if you don't get out of that situation. Good question ! Its not mental abuse, it is verbal abuse, but you need to let someone a teacher, or a parent know, so it can be stopped before it goes to far and turns into physical abuse. Very nice question!!!!

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It is Verbal and Physical abuse. Verbal Abuse is considered with the swearing while the physical is the slapping.

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It can be considered a form of mental and physical abuse.

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the main point is that it is wrong. Abuse is wrong it hurts. If someone hits you with the intent to hurt you or out of anger then it is physical abuse.

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yes it is. no matter how someone hits you it is considered abuse.

If Physical Abuse is actually harming someone -- If you gently push someone one-time and No physical Harm results Is it Physical Abuse?

I would say no, but other people may say yes. It really depends on the situation.

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I believe its more of harassment than abuse. -CTMango

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Using physical restraint for safety of staff

What do you understant by the term Abuse?

Abuse is any infringement of freedom of choice about what happens to someone. Anything that goes beyond a border of what they accept is considered abuse.

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Yes, I think she can sue if she has evidence that it was because of the abuse that she suffered a miscarriage.

Is happy slapping a form of bullying?

Slapping someone is a form of physical abuse or cruelty.