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Q: Is pillow lava extrusive or intrusive?
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Does lava produce Extrusive or Intrusive rocks?


What is the different between extrusive and intrusive rocks?

Intrusive: An intrusive igneous rock is formed from magma undergroundExtrusive: An extrusive igneous rock is formed from lava outside of the volcano.

What is the major difference between intrusive and extrusive rocks is?

Extrusive means that the lava has come out and cooled on the surface. Intrusive means that the lava has cooled in the Earth i.e. underground.

How are intrusive and extrusive ignious rock different?

Intrusive rick forms when the cooling and solidification of magma and extrusive is when the cooling and solidification of lava.

Is Basalt intrusive or extrusive?

extrusive it forms when lava from a volcanic eruption cools on the surface.

What are the main two types of igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks are classified as either extrusive or intrusive. Extrusive rocks form from lava at or above the ground, and intrusive rocks form from magma below the ground. Granite is intrusive, pumice is extrusive.

What is the major difference between intrusive rocks and extrusive igneous rocks?

Extrusive means that the lava has come out and cooled on the surface. Intrusive means that the lava has cooled in the Earth i.e. underground.

What are the 2 kinda of igneous rock?

Extrusive and Intrusive. Extrusive rocks are formed from hardened lava at the surface and Intrusive rocks are formed from magma within the Earth.

What are the features of intrusive igneouse rocks?

intrusive rocks have a finer texture and extrusive such as lava rock are more course. intrusive rocks are cooled within the earth and extrusive cooled outside the earth.

Extrusive igneous rock are made from?

Extrusive Igneous rock is made from lava. Intrusive Igneous rock is made from magma. Magma and Lava are similar but magma is inside earth and lava is on the outside.

What rocks cool from magma or lava?

magma cools into intrusive igneous rock while lava into extrusive igneous rock

Is hematite extrusive or intrusive?

Intrusive and extrusive