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Q: Is pistol star bigger than eta carinae?
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Is Antares bigger than V382 Carinae?

Antares is bigger than V382 Carinae. but they are very close in size. V382 Carinae has a radius of 747 solar radii but Antares is 822 solar radii.

What is the biggest star you know about?

The largest star known to man is called the Pistol Star. It lies in the center of the Pistol Nebula in the Milky Way and is believed to be 100 times bigger than the sun.

How much bigger is Pistol Star than the Sun?

Its radius is estimated to be about 300 times the radius of the Sun.

What is Bigger a Hyper Giant Star or Super Giant Star?

Hypergiants are super luminous supergiants. It isn't all about sheer size. Eta Carinae is a hypergiant but it is smaller than the supergiant Antares. This is due to the fact that Eta Carinae is about 60 times as luminous as Antares and 10 times as massive. Although size doesn't matter, the largest star VY Canis Majoris is a Hypergiant.

What star is 330 times bigger than the sun?

The closest would be the pistol star with a radius of about 300 -> 340 times that of our own Sun. See related link for more information.

Is eta carinae bigger then vy canis majoris?

No, you don't have to confuse "more massive" with "bigger". The most massive star in the eta Carinae system may have 100 times the mass of the Sun and be dozens of times bigger than our star but it is far smaller than VY CMa. VY CMa is a red supergiant that has swollen to an extremely large size due to shell burning of different layers on its last stages of life. VY CMa is a cool star. On the other hand eta Carinae is very hot and it is in a different evolutionary state. It is so massive that it will never reach the red supergiant state because it is losing mass at a fast rate. Also the companion play a role and alters the evolution. Eventually eta Car will become a WR star (a naked core) and explode as a supernova. The same fate is expected for VY CMa but since it has already become a rec supergiant it is very likely that it won't become a WR star. This shows that VY CMa is far less massive than eta Car.

Is sun bigger than star or star bigger than sun?

The sun is a star, some stars are larger and other are smaller.

What is the name of the biggest star in galaxy?

'Sol' also known as the sun is the only star in our solar system and is therefore the biggest one. If you meant planets than that would be Jupiter.

Is the sun bigger than the star?

The sun is a star!

Is there any star bigger than star?

that question doesn't make sense. there are star that are one billion times bigger than our on solar system star, how ever bigger stars live a shorter life than smaller stars!

What is the star bigger than the moon?

All stars are bigger than the moon.

How many times is the gamma star bigger than the sun?

the gamma star is about 4000 times bigger than the sun