

Is pleco food bad for goldfish?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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15y ago

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Plecos' are algae eaters (basically vegetarians). Goldfish are plant, insect, crustacea and fish eaters. (basically omnivourous). What do you think? Work it out!

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Q: Is pleco food bad for goldfish?
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Goldfish should only live with goldfish except for a few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco or apple snails for example

Can Daphnia and Goldfish live together?

Yes. Aslong as the gold fish (coldwater fish) and the pleco (warm water fish) do not go into one extreme or the other on the temperature scale. Your plecostomus will look like it is eating your goldfish if it doesn't get enough food.

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No, you should only keep goldfish with goldfish (with very few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco, apple snail or weather loach for example)

Can plecostamus go with orandas?

No. There are over 800 different species of Pleco, all of which are tropical fish and huge waste producers. Orange Goldfish are coldwater, and also huge waste producers, so you can only imagine the mess that would end up in that tank. Also, some species of Pleco will not touch algae or veges and may decide to suck off the slime coat from the Orandas, leaving the Goldfish open to infections and parasites. Once a Pleco gets a taste for slime coat, it gets addicted! So no Plecos with Goldfish!

You have 2 plecos and a catfish Can they live with 3 large goldfish that are about the same size of the plecos and catfish in a 50 gallon tank?

No. Goldfish are cold-water fish, plecos (which are catfish) and your other catfish are warm-water fish. You run a heater in a pleco/catfish tank, but no heater in a goldfish tank. Plecos are also territorial toward conspecifics, meaning two plecos in one tank will fight and possiibly kill each other. The other problem? A 50-gallon tank is only large enough for one pleco, even if they weren't territorial. I would return one pleco, either the catfish--what is it, a bagrid?--or the other pleco, and the goldfish. If you want to build a community around one of these big cats, try some medium-sized tough cichlids like Jack Dempseys or firemouths. I kept three Dempseys and a pleco in a 55-gallon aquarium for years, and they were great together.1st: Plecos are catfish.2nd: Goldfish can't live with any other fish besides other goldfish. 3rd: What kind of Catfish is it? 4th: 1 pleco per tank only!

What do goldfish food call?

the name of goldfish food is goldfish flake food

Can goldfish glofish plecos and an algae eater live together?

Yes, unless it is the carnivorous type. Plecos usually are herbivorous and would not eat, or even harm, a goldfish, or other fish in that matter. The person above me is right...Most plecos get very large though (2 feet!). There are two types that are relitvly small though. The first is a brsitlenose (or is it bristlestone?) and then the rubberlip pleco. The bristlenost gets to only 3 or 4 inches and is not aggressive. The rubberlip gets to about 6-8 inches and can be slightly aggressive when an adult to weaker, smaller fish. So If you get the RLP, i would only keep it with some fancies (lionhead, ryukin, oranda...etc.). I would get some places for the pleco to hide because goldfish like to poke at the pleco. Sometimes plecos will eat the slime coat of goldfish (so agressivly that they put a hole in the stomach) and can kill the goldfish. It just all depends on the fish though.

What are good goldfish tankmates?

Goldfish should live with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or apple/mystery snails.In my 20gal tank, I had a small school of neon tetra (about 6 survived the ride home from petco), an albino pleco, one comet goldfish and a fancy goldfish.

Can goldfish eat pond goldfish food?

not if it is your pet. you have to go to the oet store for certain pet food for goldfish

Is it okay for dogs to drink from outdoor goldfish pond?

No, because the goldfish waste and food builds up to be pretty toxic, and the bad quality could easily infect your dog

Can you feed goldfish food to any fish?

No, tropical fish live in a different region then goldfish and therefore need different food. Tropical fish live in the tropics (howls of amazement) and goldfish live in cold and temperate areas.

Do goldfish eat stink bugs?

They will eat mosquito larvae and any bugs that linger on or near the surface.