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Q: Is poison ivy considered an emergency?
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What is the poison ivy poem?

The name 'poison ivy' is applied to a weed that isn't poisonous to wildlife, but is to humans. For it contains urushiol oil, which is a skin irritant to humans. The oil may be inhaled when poison ivy is burned. Or it may be absorbed when an individual touches poison ivy, or something that has touched the plant. In the case of inhalation, or of an outbreak on the face, poison ivy contact is considered a medical emergency.

Can you get rid of poison ivy plant using a weed whacker?

No. If you do that, you'll be spraying your legs in poison ivy. In that case, you may end up in the emergency room. Not fun.

Can you die from getting poison ivy?

Yes, depending upon the situation. It's considered a medical emergency any time that poison ivy attacks the face and the neck. It's also considered a medical emergency any time that the vapors are inhaled. Fire may be a way of controlling poison ivy. But it's a poor choice, for the vapors are even more potent than oils.

Is it important not to burn plants with allergen type oils such as poison ivy and poison oak?

Yes, DO NOT BURN POISON IVY OR OAK because when the oil on the plants is being burned the smoke contains the oil. So when you touch or breathe in, you'll get poison ivy and end up in the emergency room.

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy

Who is Poison Ivy's boyfriend?

Poison Ivy has no boyfriend.

Can babies get poison ivy?

Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.

What is ivy leaf?

Ivy leaf is poison ivy. Poison ivy is a leaf that gives you a bad itchy rash.

What if your poison ivy bubble is big?

If the poison ivy bubble is big it is not poison ivy but rather poison oak the same remities apply for ridding yourself of it

Does poison ivy grow in North Carolina?

North Carolina has poison ivy as well as poison oak.

Does poison ivy have seeds?

Poison ivy has red berries, seeds inside.