

Is polonium nuclear

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Polonium is a radioactive chemical element.

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How is polonium obtained?

The first time polonium was obtained by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, separating polonium from uranium ores. Now polonium is obtained by nuclear reactions.

What was polonium obtained from?

In the past polonium was obtained from the residues of uranium ores, after extraction of uranium.Now polonium is obtained only by nuclear reactions.

What country polonium is mined?

Now polonium is not obtained from natural sources; it is the product of some nuclear reactions.

Where did polonium come from?

Polonium is a radioactive chemical element, extremely rare, accompanying uranium in some ores; now polonium is obtained by nuclear reactions.

Where was obtained?

The first time polonium was obtained by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, separating polonium from uranium ores. Now polonium is obtained by nuclear reactions.

How polonium made by humans?

The most used nuclear reaction to obtain polonium is:Bi-209 + n------------Bi-210----------Po-210

How is polonium extracted from the ground?

Now polonium is not extracted from uranium ores; polonium is more simple prepared by nuclear reactions.

Where would I find a polonium mine?

You cannot mine polonium as the longest lived isotope, polonium-209 has a halflife of only 100 years and most isotopes of polonium have halflives measured in seconds to minutes.Traces of polonium can be found in any uranium ore as it is a daughter of uranium decay.Usable amounts of polonium are manufactured using nuclear reactors.

How is polonium significant in the the world and what does it do?

Uses of polonium: - neutron source (polonium-beryllium source) - in devices for the elimination of the static electricity - in devices for the elimination of the dust - initiator in nuclear weapons - isotopic heat source

How can you use polonium element?

Uses of polonium: - neutron source (polonium-beryllium source) - in devices for the elimination of the static electricity - in devices for the elimination of the dust - initiator in nuclear weapons - isotopic heat source

What products are made from polonium?

Uses of polonium: - neutron source (polonium-beryllium source) - in devices for the elimination of the static electricity - in devices for the elimination of the dust - initiator in nuclear weapons - isotopic heat source

How Polonium is used for?

Some applications of polonium: - neutron source as a mixture polonium-beryllium (also used for nuclear weapons) - elimination of the dust from the surface of materials - elimination of the static electricity - radioactive heat source