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Q: Is portend a synonym
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A sentence with portend with context clues?

You can use the word portend in a few different sentences. But be careful. "Portend" means to predict, but it is used only for the objects which show the prediction, not for the person making the prediction. You cannot say "You could portend me about what was going to happen". On the other hand, you can say, "The Tarot cards portend a meeting with a tall dark stranger" or "These tea leaves portend a voyage to Africa" or "These recent eclipses portend a change of government" or "I do not understand what these circling ravens portend."

What is a sentence for portend?

The street incident may portend a general uprising

Can you put the word portend in a sentence?

The black clouds and sudden thunder portend the upcoming storm.

What is portend?

To indicate with sighns.

A sentence with portend with context clues-?

A sentence for the word portend that uses context clues is, "The change in the wind's speed and direction portended the catastrophic hurricane that eventually struck the area."

What does it mean to dream snakes on property?

Nothing. Dreams do not portend anything.

Put portent in a sentence?

Laziness will almost always portend failure. The Greek oracles observed various signs that might portend victory or defeat. He was certain that the favorable review would portend the success of his restaurant.

Can you put tangible curmudgeon fulsome paragon portend in one sentence?

You did. (A question is a sentence.)

What does 'portend' mean?

It is a transitive verb meaning to give an omen or an anticipatory sign of.

What is another word for portend?

Synonyms may include prophesy, signify, indicate, presage, promise, or foretell.

Is warning a similar word to forecast?

predict project fortell anticipate calculate foresee prophesy portend prognosticate

What do dreams about sunflowers mean?

Sunflowers in a dream mean guidance and insight or Portend a dangerous social interaction