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Q: Is prairie or northern forest soil b for growing crops?
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Which soil would be best for growing farm crops?

Prairie soil will be best for growing crops.

Which Biome in Minnesota is the best for growing crops?

The best biome in Minnesota for growing crops is the Prairie Grassland Biome because it's soil is really rich and fertile

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What fertile biome is good for growing crops?

temperate forest and grassland

What vegetation does northern Europe have?

It has all sorts of crops since there were flat lands for growing.

What crops grow in the Tropical Rainforest?

Actually, unless the rain forest is cleared there are no crops in the forest. The soil of the rain forest is not good for growing crops once the land is cleared of trees. The ecosystem of the rain forest is a special place. Some do try to clear the forest and plant crops like potatoes and coffee beans, but it is hard to sustain them for long periods of time.

Why is the prairie good place to raise crops?

the prairie is a good place to raise crops because their is lots of sunshine.

Is farming imposible in a rain forest?

It isn’t impossible if the land is cleared, but the land is not good for growing crops. The soil doesn’t provide the right minerals for crops.

Why is the prairie region in Canada called that?

region of western Canada

Why did the harappan civilization developed in northern India instead of in the deccan?

The reason is because Northern India had much fertile soil which was ideal for growing crops and raising animals

Why did farmers in the Southern Colonies concentrate on growing cash crops?

Farmers in the Southern Colonies concentrated on growing cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo because these crops were profitable and in high demand in Europe. The warm climate and fertile soil in the Southern Colonies also made it ideal for growing these cash crops. Additionally, the labor-intensive nature of cash crop cultivation lent itself well to the plantation system with enslaved labor.

Why is the prairie a good place to raise crops?

the prairie is a good place to raise crops because their is lots of sunshine.