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Indirectly, the term 'Gospel' means 'good news' of the Coming Kingdom of God and as such was coined in the New Testament. However, though the term is not used as is, God had informed the Children of Israel what will occur in the 'last or latter days' via the forefathers and Prophets - the Kingdom of God on Earth.


Daniel "preached the good news [gospel]" of the Kingdom of God to the king of Babylon when God gave the king his "vision" or "dream" about it.

King Nebuchadnezzar's dream was about "the governments of man" that would rule the earth until Jesus Christ comes and removes them all, and establishes His Government:

"...there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and HE HAS SHOWN King Nebuchadnezzar WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE..." (Dan.2:28 NLT New Living Translation).

"...the God of heaven WILL SET UP A KINGDOM THAT WILL NEVER BE DESTROYED; no one will ever conquer it. IT WILL SHATTER ALL THESE KINGDOMS[governments of man] INTO NOTHINGNESS, but it will stand forever... The Great God HAS SHOWN YOUR MAJESTY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE. THE DREAM IS TRUE, and ITS MEANING IS CERTAIN." (verses 44-45)

As a matter of fact -- the dual Promise of God to Abraham was the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom of God and the advent of the Messiah; to make of Abraham a Great Nation... and the [spiritual] "blessing of all the families of the earth" through his Seed [the Christ]:

"What's more, the [Old Testament] Scriptures [the only Scriptures Paul had from which to teach his Gentile churches the gospel of the Kingdom] looked forward TO THIS TIME when God WOULD ACCEPT THE GENTILES [all the families of the earth], too, ON THE BASIS OF THEIR FAITH. God promised[preached] this GOOD NEWS [gospel] to Abraham long ago when He said, 'All nations will be blessed through you.' And so it is: All who put their Faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his Faith." (Gal.3:8-9 NLT)

According to Jesus Christ, Himself... THE ENTIRE OLD TESTAMENT IS ABOUT HIM -- the KINGof that wonderful future Government that will replace man's vile, self-serving attempts at ruling himself.

"...'When I was with you before, I told you that EVERYTHING WRITTEN ABOUT ME by Moses and the Prophets and in the Psalms [Jesus' triple break-down of the Old Testament] must all come True.' Then He opened their minds to Understand these many Scriptures." (Luke 24:44-45 NLT)

"...And THE GOVERNMENT WILL REST ON HIS SHOULDERS... His ever-expanding Government WILL NEVER END. He will rule forever with Fairness and Justice from the throne of His ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this!" (Isa.9:6-7 NLT)

The END of man's rule... of his vicious, beastly, self-serving rule... ON THIS EARTH should be the best news anyone can imagine. At least, God says it's His "good news" [His message] to all of mankind. And the entire Bible is all about that wonderful "good news" to His creation.

But the false religions of the world don't preach it. And the governments of the world would hate it... even if they believed it... which they don't.

The Bible speaks of the governments' rage against God when He comes:

"The nations were angry with you, but now the time of your wrath has come. It's time to Judge the dead and reward your servants. You will reward the Prophets and your Holy People, all who fear your Name, from the least to the greatest. And you will destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth." (Rev.11:18 NLT)

From Genesis to Revelation... the whole Bible is God's gospel [good news] message of the coming Kingdom of God. It's always been there. It's just that most folks, who do read the Bible, don't read it with a humble, faithful, believing heart.

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Q: Is preaching the Gospel mentioned in the Old Testament?
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