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yes, the other two glands in the male reproductive system are the Cowper's gland and the seminal vesicles

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Q: Is prostate part of male reproductive system?
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What is a prostate lobe?

A prostate lobe is an anatomical part of prostate. Prostate gland is the male's organ of reproductive system. Anatomically it has the shape of a chestnut, with two lobes separated by a thinner part.

Is the prostate gland part of the urinary system or reproductive system?

reproductive system

What is removed when having a radical prostatectomy?

When one undergoes a radiscal prostatectomy, their prostate is removed. The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system. This operation is done to save a sufferer of prostate cancer.

Which reproductive system contains testes?

The eiodidymis is part of the male reproductive system

What are the part pf male reproduction system?

Urinary Bladder Prostate Urethra Testis Penis Foreskin Scrotal Sac

Is testes part of a female reproductive system?

No; it's part of the male reproductive system.

Which system are the testes part of?

The testes are part of the male reproductive system, in which their function is sperm production. The testes are also part of the endocrine system, in which they make the hormone testosterone.

Which part and its function in the female reproductive system is similar to that of the male reproductive system?


What is the name of an endocrine secretion in the male reproductive system?

Testosterone is the endocrine secretion produced by the testes, which are part of the male reproductive system and the endocrine system.

The male organ forms what?

The male organ forms part of the reproductive system. The male reproductive organ consists of the testicles and the penis.

What is the sack like part in the male reproductive system?

The sack-like part of the male reproductive system is called the scrotum. The scrotum contains the testes (usually called the testicles).