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Q: Is psychic type effective to bug and flying?
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What type are super effective against psychical?

flying and psychic

What type of Pokemon can beat fighting type Pokemon?

Flying and Psychic are super effective vs Fighting. Fighting moves are not very effective vs Flying, Psychic, Poison, and Bug types. Ghost types are immune to fighting type moves.

What Pokemon types are strong against Fighting?

Fighting types are weak against psychic and flying types.

What type Pokemon that a bug Pokemon defeat?

Bug types is super effective against Psychic, Dark and Grass.But beware, if you see a Fire type, Like Infernape, a Flying type, like Staraptor or a Rock type, Like Golem, then change Pokemon if you can. These Pokemon types are super effective against bug. If you got a Heracross, Psychic is 4 TIMES super effective on you.

What is effective against normal Pokémons?

Fire, Ground & Fighting. There may be some Pokemon that are part steel but are resistant or immune to these types. For example Skarmory is immune to Ground types because it is part flying.

Whats super effective against psychic Pokemon?

Psychic Pokemon are Super effective by Bug type, Dark type and Ghost types

What is super afective against psychic type Pokemon?

Dragon and Ice type moves are super effective against Dragonair.

What type is zubat strong against?

It is a Poison-Flying type. It evolves into Golbat.

What Pokemon type is strong against psychic?

The most effective type to use is Ghost, Bug, or Dark.

What is bug type super effective against?

Bug types are super effective against Dark, Grass and Psychic (x2) in Generation II-onward. In Generation I, they were super effective against Grass, Poison and Psychic.

What pokemon beats psychic?

Bug, Ghost, and Dark type are super-effective (2x) against Psychic type Pokemon (assuming it is pure Psychic, such as a Mew)

What is super effective on psyscic type?

dark, for one, but psychic is super effective against dark to, try doing some research, it will be easy to find out.