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Q: Is pushing your stomach a habit?
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Why does your stomach growel?

Your stomach growls when it is empty, the noise is caused from air pushing through your digestive system.

Can pushing on the stomach cause labor?

Pushing on the stomach can cause premature labor if enough pressure is applied. More specifically, the woman will enter premature dilation, which in turn leads to a premature baby. For this reason, pregnant women should avoid sleeping on their stomach.

How do starfish turn their stomach inside out?

By pushing up through their mouths then the stomach opens like a mouth and gets the food.

Does peristalsis help push food toward your stomach?

yes peristalsis is the wave like motion of either your esophagus pushing food( a bolus) down towards your stomach, or your small and large intestines pushing nutrients through to be processesed by the villi.

What is the function of the pylorus in the frog?

It regulates the exit of partially digested food from the stomach and is in the lower region of the stomach

Do guinea pigs poop alot before they give birth?

probly, cus the babies are pushing on her stomach

Sharp pains in top of stomach can also feel in back?

Gases in the stomach are pushing diaphragm upwards and causes the pain on your back. Change your diet to a lighter one.

Allows you to swallow water upside down?

Peristalsis or muscles in your esophagus contract in a wave pushing the water to your stomach

What carries food from the mouth to the stomach with peristaltic bands pushing the food downwards?

OESAPHAGUS carries food from the mouth to the peristalsis bands pushing the food downwards through a movement called peristaltic movement.

Where does the food pass through between the mouth and stomach?

It travels down our esophagus, which is basically a long wide tube that has muscles the whole way down it for pushing food towards our stomach. When we vomit, these muscles work in reverse to push stomach contents back upward.

How do you get really good turnout for dance?

Try to get flexibility in the muscles in your feet. Do Dyna band exercises. Another good way is to get in the habit of pushing your heels forward when you are standing in a position at the barre.

Does the stomach stretch?

Yes, the stomach does grow. If the stomach did not grow, you would eat less and less because you would get fuller quicker. Plus if your stomach did not grow, you would eventually starve to death. Samantrha Booth Age:11