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Q: Is raising cake batter chemical change?
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Is baking cake a physical change or chemical change?

It is a chemical change. A chemical change is when you can't take the item back to its original state. Ex. A baked cake can't go back to cake batter.

Is baking a cake physical or a chemical change?

It is a chemical change. A chemical change is when you can't take the item back to its original state. Ex. A baked cake can't go back to cake batter.

Is a baking cake a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change. A chemical change is when you can't take the item back to its original state. Ex. A baked cake can't go back to cake batter.

Is cooking a cake a physical change?

no its chemical you can't change it back into batter

Is baking a cake batter a chemical or physical change?

Baking a cake is a chemical property because it is going from dough to cake or batter to cake.

Why is chemical change important to people who bake?

Baking is all about Chemical Changes. The reason cake batter turns into a cake is because of chemical reactions.

What the Physical Changes?

Physical changes are ones which do not affect the chemical composition of a substance. For instance, if you cut a cake in half, that is a physical change. Nothing has changed except the shape, weight, and size of the cake. When you bake the cake batter, however, you are causing a chemical change. The batter changes into a cake; when you cut the cake, it doesn't change into anything.

What type of change is it when cake batter becomes a cake?

Cake Batter Is Changed Into A Physical Change

Is cake baking a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change. A chemical change is when you can't take the item back to its original state. Ex. A baked cake can't go back to cake batter.

Is burning a pen a chemical change?

A chemical change is when you do something to a material and can never change it back, like when you bake a cake, you might think it's a physical change, but it's actually chemical because you can not change it back to the cake batter. Does that help? ========================== Yes buring a pen is a chemical change.

What were the examples of chemical change?

A chemical change is any kind of reaction that changes the chemical make up of a compound. Chemical changes are mostly irreversable. Such as: Burning wood Baking a cake (batter to cake stuffs) Digesting food (food to feces) etc.

Cake batter turning grey while mixing?

Type of cake and list of ingredients would be needed. Possibly an acid causing a chemical change in something. Bananas or apples could darken the batter.