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The only way you can do this is legally ... through a doctor, so I am under the understanding that your GP has made the switch for you. I am also happy to hear that you have switched from Paxil. In Canada Paxil is banned from 18 and under. There are other safer drugs, but all drugs such as these must be monitored by a physician. If this is what you GP recommended then there is no reason you should have a problem. If you have serveral questions because you aren't feeling all that well please see your GP and have the list of questions written down.

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Q: Is replacing Paxil with Wellbutrin recommended?
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Can you mix Cymbalta and Paxil?

Yes. I'm on that combination right now. So far so good. My psychiatrist said that the Wellbutrin should cancel out the libido inhibiting effects of the paxil. I haven't been able to find anything online about this though.

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That would be on the advise of a medical doctor. But I have been prescribed and used Paxil, Desyrel (generic name - Trazodone), Wellbutrin, Lithium and Synthroid without any problems. The Desyrel was taken before bedtime for sleep.

Will adding Wellbutrin 100mg with Paxil 35 mg help aid in weight gained from taking Paxil for 7 years?

I am not sure what you are asking.Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant.It does speed your metabolism up but I am not sure about what it may do for weight gain.I do know not to take wellbutrin too close to bed time or you won't sleep.Better to take around 4 pm than bedtime.

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If you quit cold turkey, Paxil has withdrawal symptoms that are flu-like. Prozac doesn't have any withdrawal symptoms. That's why I switched.

Drugs for mental ill ness?

Some types of medications for mental illness are Celexa. Amytriptaline, Paxil, and Wellbutrin. These types of medications re prescribed by a physician and are closely monitored.

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My therapist diagnosed me with coping disorder with acute anxiety and a touch of depression. She recommended Ativan for me, though she's not an MD, she wanted me to talk to my doctor. I talked to my doctor and she disagreed with putting me on Ativan. She recommended Lexapro. I went to the pharmacy and my insurance wound up not covering it (it was a hundred and something dollars!). They contacted my doctor and she faxed over an authorization for a generic prescription for Paxil.

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is it safe to take fioricet with paxil

Can you take xanax and Wellbutrin at the same time?

You can safely take the two together. Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant and Buspar is an anti-anxiety. It's a combo used for individuals who have more than one disorder or multiple symptoms with their current diagnosis. For example, someone with major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder may take this combination.

Does Paxil cause weight gain?

You will gain weight with Paxil it is an SSRI. They all have weight gain as a side effect. Try Wellbutrin instead. SSRIs are very hard to get off of. Paxil and Effexor are the worst for withdraw symptoms. Don't take a drug just because your Dr tells you to. Research everything about it before you decide it is right for you.

What are the effects of smoking marijuana after taking Paxil?

Pot is great with Paxil. I get all the positives of being high with none of the panic or anxiety of being high. Great combo!! I also thought it was a great combo...pot can cause depression (yes, it did for me) and paxil lessens the depression. I took paxil for 11 years and was an everyday pot smoker for the same length of time. I was also taking clonazepam and wellbutrin In 2007 I ended up in the hospital suffering from extreme paranoia and psychosis. Also I could not urinate!! I had to use a catheter (for about 2 weeks, then I was going normally again) Man, that was scary!!! The doctors took me off the paxil and told me I could never smoke marijuana again. This doesn't happen to everyone, why it happened to me, I don't know.

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