

Is responsible a trait

Updated: 12/7/2022
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Q: Is responsible a trait
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What is responsible for an acquired trait?


What is gene G responsible for in fruit flies?

its responsible for the offspring trait which they get from their parents

Which type of mutation is responsible for new variations of a trait?

matation in somatic

What is a principle or law of heredity which states that for each trait there are two copies of the gene or genes that are responsible for the trait?

Mendel's Law Of Segregation

What is is a polygenetic trait?

A collection of paired genes is responsible for a polygenetic trait. Height, skin colour etc. are examples.

What character trait of Gatsby is ultimately responsible for his downfall?

His beleif that money can buy happiness

Is responsible a negative or a positive?

It depends.* Being a "responsible person" is usually considered a positive trait. * On the other hand, if you are (for example) the person "responsible" for breaking the window, that's not a good thing.

Character trait of Elizabeth in sweet valley twins?

Honest, modest, good friend, trustworthy, responsible, respectable

Which character trait of Gatsby is ultimately responsible for his downfall?

Gatsby's relentless pursuit of his idealized vision of Daisy, along with his inability to let go of the past, is ultimately responsible for his downfall. This trait leads him to engage in risky and criminal activities in an attempt to achieve his goals, which ultimately results in his tragic demise.

What type of mutation is responsible of new variations of a trait?

420 blaze it

How did Gregor Mendel represent factors for dominant traits?

By using capital & lowercase T's. The capital T represents the factor responsible for the dominant trait: tall. The lowercase representing the factor of the recessive trait: short.

What is Mendel's third law?

1. The Law of Dominance: In a cross between contrasting homozygous individuals, only one form of the trait will appear in the F1 generation - this trait is the dominant trait.2. The Law of Segragation: during the formation of gametes, alleles responsible for a trait separate; this allows for recombination during fertilization.3. The Law of Independent Assortment: alleles responsible for different traits are distributed to gametes (and thus the offspring) independently of each other.