

Is rhino a primate animal

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Is rhino a primate animal
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What is a primate ( animal)?

Primate urban hierarchy can defined as the authority of man ,animal scared off, it is also called the system of the man and animal to order their authority.

How do you say primate in spanish?

(churchman) primado (animal) cuadrumanos, primate (pronounced preeMAHtay)

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Its a rhino if you get the update ( witch soon everyone will) you can get a rhino.

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true a rhino is a bad animal and it gashed a guy called albert domain

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Is an orangutan a animal?

Yes, it is a mammal and a primate.

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the both are!

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There is no such animal as the rhino zebra, the photos online are photoshopped.

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Yes, man is an animal, a mammal belonging to the Primate order.

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Chimpanzees are in the primate category.

Is this animal a rhino endangered?

All rhino species are either endangered or threatened.