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You shouldn't do it because your life and family is too good for it to be lost by a person or thing who made or is making you feel you as a bother to everyone around you.

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Q: Is running away from home a good idea?
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Where do you go if your running away?

If you're thinking about running away, it's not a good idea.

When is a good time to run away from home?

If you wish to leave home, you should have an idea of where you are going. If the plan is to become a street person, it is probably a bad idea. If your life is in danger at home, you can go to the police. Otherwise, the best time to run away from home is when you have somewhere to live, other than the home that you are running away from.

Is it a good idea to just walk away from your house?

A house is a place to come home to; not to live in.

Is running right after you eat a good idea?

No, running after eating isn't a good idea altogether because you can do sick or you could get a stomach ache.

Are surveillance cameras for home a good idea?

It would definitely be a good idea. They may be an investment but they will be worth it. I recommend getting an alarm system above all but surveillance cameras would be a great way to make sure that if somebody does rob your home, they will not get away with it.

How much money should I have saved before moving away from home?

As a rule of thumb it is a good idea to have savings eqaul to 3 months living exspenses. Most dont abide by this rule but it is a good idea.

Is running while hungry a good idea?

no, or at least not long distances

Is running a taxi business a good idea in this economy?

No, running a new taxi business is not a good idea in this economy. There is too much competition out there, and it would cost too much money to start up, then what you would profit.

What are some tips to declutter my home?

Organization is a great way to declutter your home. As you organize think of things that you will use often. If you have not used an item in a while it would be a good idea to donate or throw away.

What is a good idea for a career change at 34 years old?

running a small buisness

Is it a good idea to get patio stones?

it is a good idea to get patio stones for your home garden. they are great, i have them myself. they are pretty cheap too. they look good on your garden.

Is burning away an oil spill a good idea?

It depends on if there is favorable weather.