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No, Salah is Prayer. Wudu is the washing before prayers. _Sincere Muslim_

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Q: Is salah is washing before prayers?
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Related questions

What is the name of prayers?

Salah or Salat

Which verse in the Quran that Allah tells how important is the salah or prayer?

There are many verses in Quran that show how is the prayer (salah) is important.Some of these verses are:" Recite what is sent of the book (Quran) by revelation to you and establish regular prayer, for prayer keeps you away from shameful and unjust deeds (sins)... "(Quran, chapter 29, verse 45)" Guard strictly (five obligatory) as-salawat (the prayers) especially the middle salah (ie the best prayer, Asr) and stand before Allah(God) with obedience (and don't speak to others during the salah or prayers)".(Quran, chapter 2, verse 238)" Say (O Mohamed) to Ibadi (my servants) who have believed, that they should perform as-salah (prayers) and spend in charity out of the sustenance,..."(Quran, chapter 14, verse 31)Other verses warn those give up prayers. Some of these verses are:"... there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up as-salah (the prayers) and have followed lusts. So, they will be thrown in Hell."(Quran, chapter 19, verse 59)"...So woe unto those performers of salah (prayers)(hypocrites), Those who delay their salah (prayer from their stated fixed times)...."(Quran, chapter 107, verses 4-5)Prophet Mohamed said that abandoning the Salah (prayers) expels the Muslim out of Islam religion. Salah is the first of the Islam 5 pillars after testimony. (see related question below).

How do you pray salah Eid Fitr?

It is like the morning prayers , but in the first rak'ah before reading surah al fatha say allah akber seven times and five times int the second rak'ah .

Do Muslims follow any routines before they worship?

Before worship Muslims have to be sure that they are pure and clean and wearing clean clothes and must perform wudhu I.e. washing the hands, face, and feet before offering prayers

How do Muslims worship inside the mosque?

Muslims can worship inside Mosques in form of Salah, Reciting Koran, Dhikr or any other way they want to worship Allah. In addition to obligatory five prayers a day they can also say additional prayers.

In Salah What do you Recite Before you read a Surah?

Surah Al-Fatiha

What do Muslims remove before praying?

Anything that is dirty or has pictures or writing, must be removed before salah.

What is khushoo in salah?

Khoshoo in Salah is to concentrate in your Salah and feel every thing you say in your salah

What is abdest?

Abdest is the Islamic act of washing the parts of the body used for prayers, as well as for handling and reading the Qu'ran.

What is the secret salah between the two salahs?

It is salah al Asr at Friday because it is between friday salah "non secret salah " and between Maghreb salah " .

Where do the intercessory prayers occur in a Catholic Mass?

Intercessory prayers occur after the Creed and before the Offertory.

After washing for prayers what do the Muslims say?

Asshadu Allah Ilaha Illala Wa Ash hadu Anna Muhammadur Rasoolullah.