

Is salt solution shows Tyndall effect?

Updated: 5/28/2022
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8y ago

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Yes, it does because tyndall effect is caused by scattering of light by small particles in colloidal solutions in transparent medium. (colloid means the mixture of particles less than size of particles in suspension)

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Laurie Hammes

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Q: Is salt solution shows Tyndall effect?
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You can check if salt has dissolved by stirring the solution and observing if the salt particles are no longer visible. Another way is to taste the solution to see if it is salty, as undissolved salt will have a gritty texture.

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Boiling is a faster process compared to evaporation for separating a salt solution because it increases the rate of evaporation. It also allows for the collection of the vapor and condensation back to recover the dissolved salt. Additionally, boiling can help to remove volatile impurities that may be present in the solution.

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When a salt solution is added to the saponification mixture, the presence of excess ions from the salt solution can disrupt the balance within the mixture. This disruption can lead to the formation of insoluble salts, which precipitate out of the solution. The precipitation of the salt helps separate it from the soap and other components of the mixture.

How many salt is in a salt solution?

The salt content of a salt solution can be found from the solutions' molarity. Any solution with a salt content can be called a salt solution. There is no one set standard which determines the amount of salt which must be in a solution for it to be a salt solution.

What is salt in salt solution?

Salt is the solute. Water is the solvent. Salt water is the solution. This solution is sometimes called a saline solution.

In salt solution salt is called?

Salt dissolved in water is known as a saline solution.

What effect will adding the ice to the solution have on the amount of salt that can be dissolved into it?

The effect is unpredictable because the ice changes two variables at the same time.