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Some claim it is, some claim it isn't, but I'm positive it's not.

i wouldn't recommend doing a lot of it, it makes your perception of reality far too weird for the rest of the day

It definitely alters your reality, but from my experience the effects are not long lasting - most intense for less than an hour. also, there are 5 different "levels" ranging from mild to extreme.

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Q: Is salvia addictive
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Why is the salvia plant a danger?

Is not, some people are convinced because of the negative connotation they get from the youtube videos. Salvia is completely natural, not addictive and doesn't harm your body.

Does smoking salvia damage brain cells?

No, Salvia Divinorum is a natural hallucinogen, that doesn't harm your body, its effect lasts only a few minutes and it's not addictive.

What is the difference between Marijuana and Salvia Divinorim?

The difference between marijuana and Salvia Divinorim is that Marijuana has very long lasting affects, while in Salvia Divinorim, you get short 15-30 min affects. Also Marijuana is addictive. while salvia Divinorim is non addictive. if you want to learn more about Salvia divinorim i would go to a users guide websight and it will tell u about the levels of enlightenment while using Salvia and when a sitter is needed. This answer is slightly incorrect, but to correct it... Marijuana is not addictive, despite what was taught in any public school health education class. There is no chemical in marijuana to get addicted to. THC in marijuana does not cause any kind of addiction. The rumor about pot being addictive was started so that teens would stop smoking it. Pot does nothing to a person but cause them to mellow out and sleep. Sometimes it can cause the muchies, they get blood shot eyes, & dry mouth. Other than that pot is NOT harmful. There are no wild trips or crazy visions like salvia.

Is salvia an opiate?

No. there is no THC or opiates in anything that is not man made, or a marijuana or poppy plant. no other plants or animals produce any opiates or cannabinoids\ salvia contains salvinorin A (among other salvinorins but the A is the only hallucinogen), which is the only thing getting you high on a salvia trip

What are the risks of salvia?

There are not direct risks involved on smoking salvia. There are some risks being under its effect, that's why is recommended to have a sitter (guardian) to keep a person under its influence get hurt when trying to walk around. It might be some danger on smoking it too often, but salvia is not addictive, that means you can control how often you use it.

Does salvia hurt you?

Depends of what you call "hurt", it doesn't harm your body if you meant that. Sometimes when you're under it's effects you can try to walk or run and hurt with an obstacle you didn't see, that's why is recommended to have a person watching your moves. Salvia is not addictive either.

What drug causes a physical and psychological yearn?

Both alcohol and opiates (opium, heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, Suboxone, etc.) are physically addictive. As far as I know, they are the only drugs that are physically addictive. Amphetamines, methamphetamines and cocaine are extremely psychologically addictive, as well as chemically addictive, but not physically addictive. Ecstasy also has a fairly high potential for psychological and chemical addiction, but it is not as addictive as speed, meth, or coke. Hallucinogens (LSD, marijuana, salvia, peyote, mescaline) are neither chemically addictive nor physically addictive. They can be psychologically addictive, though.

Is salvia a digestive fluid?

No is not! Salvia is a natural plant that grows in Mexico, used by shamans to tell the future and have a closer contact with God, it's completely natural, not addictive and in most of the US states is legal. Now is used as an hallucinogen among young people smoking its extracts.

When was Salvia viridis created?

Salvia viridis was created in 1753.

Why are children buying salvia?

There are lots of reasons for this. Many children will buy it because it is 'cool', while others will buy it after reading about the experiences on the internet. Lots of children in this cold era feel somewhat abandoned by society, parents, and their peers. Salvia can help them to escape this world, and to feel good about themselves. Thankfully, salvia is not an addictive substance, and repeated use has only been noted in those who are trying to escape depression.

Is salvia used in Chinese medicine?

If by Salvia you mean Salvia Divinorum, then the answer is no. Salvia Divinorum is not used in Chinese medicine, as Salvia does not naturally grow in any region of China. Salvia Divinorum is only to be found in Oaxaca, Mexico.

Has salvia nemorosa got similar properties to salvia divinorum?

No, Salvia nemorosa does not contain salvinorins, the active components of Salvia divinorum.