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Yes. Any belief system which incorporates symbols and ideas to convey a theory of a transcendental reality can be classified as a religion. Though... I wouldn't count it as a particularly good one.

Yes, it is the only true religion but the government and other religious groups do not want you to know this so they create fake religions so you do not develop supernatural and occult powers. go to: to read up on the religion.

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11y ago

No, they are not related terms, though they are often lumped together by the uninformed.

While both Satanism and Paganism both refer to a category of religions, the practices and beliefs of those religions differ greatly in fundamental principles. Some branches of Satanism, including LaVeyan Satanism, do not worship Satan in that they believe in an external being called Satan (believing in the existence of the Devil implies the existence of God), but believe in Satan as a symbol for human's inherent nature. Believers consider it to be a philosophy, not a religion, and consider themselves atheists. Some Satanists, on the other hand, do believe in an actual deity called Satan.

The association between Paganism and Satanism comes from the Church's stance that the gods and goddesses worshiped by others were the Devil in disguise, and while followers may worship, for instance, Odin, they really derive any power they may have from the Devil. It is also important to note that the term paganism denotes any number of religious practices where other deities that are not the Christian God are worshipped, and while people today refer to themselves as Pagan, in historical times, it was a blanket-term, not the name of any specific religion.

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Satanism is a religion, satanic is a way of describing something.

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No, Avatar has nothing to do with Satanism whatsoever.

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No they are Athiests. In order to be satanic you have to follow the religion of Satanism in one of it's many forms, and even then, most Satanists don't even acknowledge Satan as an actual entity, but more of a part of the human ego.

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Is it bad to be satanic?

Answer: No, it is not. You have your own religion for a reason and it's fine.Answer: It would depend on who you ask.Some would say no, for many reasons, including, they are Satanic themselves and wouldn't want to be seen as bad, they have particular beliefs about Satanism they perceive not to be bad, they see nothing wrong with anyone's religion, they see nothing bad about anything, and so on.Others would say yes, for many reasons including, it is not the same as their beliefs, they have a certain belief toward Satanism they perceive to be bad, they see something bad with any type religion regardless, and so on.So, again, all in who you ask, and who you are.

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A religion.

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Vader is a death metal band from Poland. Their songs have anti-religion lyrics and are based on horror authors such as H.P. Lovecraft, but they do not seem to be involved in Satanism themselves.

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Why would a Satanist get married? That is a Juedo/Christian concept. So, no he is not. And he says the same regarding religion.