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Q: Is saving money for a house goal attainable?
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Is economic equality an attainable goal?

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How would you define goal setting?

You can define goal setting in a few words that would sum it up, " Goals attainable". An attainable goal is one that should be in your sights as Goal Setting.

Ali wants to buy a new laptop. He writes down a goal of saving $1,200. What detail is this goal missing?

how he will make the money

What is smart goal?

Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time specific

What is a good attainable goal in the workplace?

To prove that you are dependable, reliable, and responsible.

What are the qualities of a effective goal?

An Effective Goal is a Attainable Goal with hard work. a low aim never hit a high mark.

What is financial goal?

An objective that is based on money is a financial goal. It can be saving for a purchase, saving for college, or to reduce debt. People have short and long term financial goals.

What is an attainable?

An attainer is a person who attains, who accomplishes, achieves, or acquires knowledge of something.

What are the top five ways to teach a child the importance of saving money?

The top five ways to teach a child the importance of saving money is by making a savings goal chart, offer rewards for them saving money, setting a good example, matching your child's own savings, and buying them a place to store the money they collect. You can also introduce them to a variety of free online games where they can learn the importance of currency by saving for in-game items.

What are the objectives of smart?

SMART is: S= specific M= measurable A= attainable R= reliable T= time bound which aims for a goal to be (be it an organizational goal or a personal goal) the one which is specific, which could be measured, which could be attainable or the one that could be shouldn't be just imaginary but a visionary goal and the one which one could rely on and could be attained in a specific period of time.

What is a SMART goal?

S - Specific M - Measurable A - Attainable R - Relevant T - Time sensitive (have a deadlline)