

Is school network using lan

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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Yes, unless it isn't networked at all.

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Q: Is school network using lan
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Use of lan?

LAN refers to a Local Area Network. The LAN is used to network computers within a limited area like school, building or computer laboratory by using the network media.

When saving a file to your school's network are you using a WAN or LAN?

When saving a file to your schools network, you are using a LAN, because it is a local are network. A WAN uses wide area networks, such as connecting two offices in two different locations.

When saving a file to your school network are you using a wan or lan how do you know?

When saving a file to your schools network, you are using a LAN, because it is a local are network. A WAN uses wide area networks, such as connecting two offices in two different locations.

True or False a school network is an example of WAN network?

false a school network is a a LAN or MAN depending on the size or the school

What describes wireless LAN?

If you mean, "What is a wireless LAN?" The answer is simple. A wireless LAN is a network that connects multiple computers, gaming consoles, and gaming devices and allows them to connect to the internet, but only if they are capable of using wireless. Wireless LAN is achieved by using a wireless router. LAN stands for Local Area Network.

You are using LAN and through LAN bytes are only able to send but cant be received is there any solution?

Through LAN bytes are not only send, they are also received. LAN is the acronym for Local Access Network ... basically a computer network. In a network bytes are sent and received.

What is LAN Party in Modern Warfare 2?

Yes you can, you need an acess point for both systems

Which connector do you use in LAN network?

the popular connector used in lan network is RJ45

LAN is the acronym for?

Local Area Network

Which three labels correctly identify the network types for the network segments that are shown?

Network B -- WAN Network C -- LAN Network A -- LAN

How is a wifi network different than a wired LAN network?

A WiFi network and a LAN network differ from each other. The biggest difference is that a WiFi network is run through a wireless connection., whereas a LAN network is run through cable.

What type of network does the school have?

I think it is MAN (metropolitan area network)