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Q: Is scissors an example of a simple machine?
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Is a hammer a simple or compex machine?

Its a simple machine which can crush any complex machine

Why are scissors known as a compound machine?

Scissors are known as a compound machine because they contain two or more simple machines put together. Another example of a compound machine is a bicycle.

What type of machine are scissors?

Scissors are a simple machine. A simple machine makes work easier to do. (not hard work) What type of simple machine are they? They are a lever. Levers have fulcrums or pivot points. The pivot point of the scissors are the crossing section.

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What is one example of a compound machine?

Engines, sewing machines, band saws, and anything else that uses simple machines.

Which simple machine makes up scissors?

lever and a wedge

Is a fulcrum a simple machine?

A fulcrum is a part of a simple machine, the lever. Without the fulcrum what is left of the simple machine can no longer increase the applied force and is no longer a simple machine.

An example of a compound machine is a?


Why is a pair of scissors a compound machine?

Scissors a compound machine because it's more than one simple machine.the handle is a lever and the blade is a wedge.

Name one complex machine and a simple machine?

a complex machine would be a car, but a simple machine would be a wheel and axle. an example of a wheel and axle would be a steering wheel

What is a example of a compound machine?

scissors,bikes,and pocket knives

What a example of a compound machine?

scissors,bikes,and pocket knives