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Q: Is seborrheic keratosis linked to Erythema nodosum?
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Erythema nodosum?

DefinitionErythema nodosum is an inflammatory disorder that is characterized by tender, red nodules under the skin.Causes, incidence, and risk factorsIn about half of cases, the exact cause of erythema nodosum is unknown. Some cases may be associated with the following:Infections. Some of the more common ones are: Streptococcus (most common)Cat scratch diseaseChlamydiaCoccidioidomycosisHepatitis BHistoplasmosisLeptospirosisMononucleosis(EBV)MycobacteriaMycoplasmaPsittacosisSyphilisTuberculosisTularemiaYersiniaPregnancySensitivity to certain medications, including: Amoxicillin and other penicillinsSulfonamidesSulfonesOral contraceptivesOther antibioticsProgestinOther associated disorders include leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoidosis, rheumatic fever, Bechet's disease, and ulcerative colitis.The condition is more common in women than it is in men.SymptomsErythema nodosum is most common on the shins, but it may also occur on other areas of the body (buttocks, calves, ankles, thighs, and arms).The lesions begin as flat, firm, hot, red, painful lumps approximately an inch across. Within a few days they may become purplish, then over several weeks fade to a brownish, flat patch.Other symptoms may include:FeverGeneral ill feeling (malaise)Joint achesSkin redness, inflammation, or irritationSwelling of the leg or other affected areaThe red and inflamed skin symptoms may regress to a bruise-like appearance.Signs and testsThe diagnosis is primarily based on the appearance of the skin nodules.Punch biopsy of a nodule may show characteristic changes (septal panniculitis).Throat culture may be done to reule out a strep infection.Chest x-ray may be done to rule out sarcoidosis or tuberculosis.TreatmentThe underlying infection, drug, or disease should be identified and treated. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) may reduce symptoms. An oral potassium iodide (SSKI) solution may produce prompt resolution of the nodules.Corticosteroids or salicylate medications may be needed to reduce acuteinflammation. Analgesics and limitation of activity may be needed to control varying amounts of pain.Topical therapy is not generally needed, although hot or cold compresses may reduce discomfort.Expectations (prognosis)Erythema nodosum is uncomfortable, but it is usually not dangerous. Symptoms typically disappear within about 6 weeks, but may recur.Calling your health care providerCall for an appointment with your health care provider if you develop symptoms of erythema nodosum.ReferencesSchwartz RA, Nervi SJ. Erythema nodosum: a sign of systemic disease. Am Fam Physician. 2007;75(5):695-700.

Can peeling hands be linked to any serious conditions?

Where the "peeling" is located is key to answering this question. Peeling skin lesions on the palms of the hands can be the sign of several very serious conditions, such as Erythema Multiforme. Anyone with unexplained skin lesions, particularly on the palms or soles of the feet should see his or her doctor.

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