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While an Indulgences are part of Catholic teachings, selling of Indulgences has never been an authentic or authorized Catholic practice. Nor are the charges that a Catholic can buy his way out of sin by purchasing an Indulgence.

Historically penance, or a temporal penalty for ones sins was imposed from the earliest days of the Church. We see in the New Testament that the penalty imposed on Ananias and Sapphira for the lie to the Holy Spirit, by their dishonesty to the Apostles was to be struck dead by God. Other penalties were imposed by the Apostles and their successors. Commonly people were barred from the reception of communion for a period of time, they could also be barred from riding on horseback, wearing silk or other comfortable clothing, serving the poor in the community etc. These penances were imposed for various periods of time from days to years, sometimes until one was on their deathbed.

In more recent times (since the early Middle Ages) the Catholic Church has modified the manner one can make restitution for the temporal penalty or punishment for sins. After one has received forgiveness of their sin, they may gain an indulgence by offering prayers, going on a pilgrimage, or doing acts of charity, (this could include feeding the hungry, providing shelter to the homeless, or to bury the dead.) Since many of us cannot physically do this, one can contribute to this by praying for the poor, or donating time, goods or money to support the poor. If one contributes money it must be to support the charitable works, and not to profit from it oneself. One does not gain forgiveness for ones sins by doing so, only remission of any temporal penalty that one has once he has been absolved because they are sorry for their sins, and has confessed them worthily.

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Q: Is selling indulgences a Catholic doctrine?
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Over 300 years ago.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church, itself, has nothing to repent of. The doctrine of indulgences is, and always was, sound. The practice of some individuals in the past, as always, has been fraught with errors. This individuals were corrected, and measures were taken to avoid abuses in the future. The doctrine of indulgences is perfectly okay.

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Martin Luther was the one who protested against the catholic church (pope) for selling indulgences.

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The selling of Indulgences was stopped after the Reformation, was practiced only by certain unscrupulous individuals .

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Indulgences. Indulgences are where one would buy their way into heaven either on their deathbed or to forgive sins. Because many reformations opposed the selling of indulgences they were prohibited during the Catholic Reformation in an effort to slow the rate of people converting to the reformed sects.

When did the Catholic Church get rid of indulgences?

The practice of granting an indulgence, which is the remission of temporal punishment due to sin (i.e., remission of restitution) have not ended. In fact, the Catholic Church has an official book of indulgences that is still in use today. What has ended was the corrupt practice of selling indulgences. The practice of selling indulgences was a problem that existed at least from the late 1300s till the early to mid 1500s. In fact, it was one of the "theses" that was pointed out by Martin Luther on his 95 Theses in 1517. By the mid-late 1500s, however, the practice of selling indulgences had largely died out.

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Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

What was that practice Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences?

Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?