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Q: Is seven hours long enough to pass a breathalyzer after having four beers?
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Can you pass a breathalyzer 6 hours from now if you've had 4 beers over 8 hours?

If you had 4 beers over 8 hours and then wait 6 hours with no more alcohol, you should have no problem passing a breathalyzer test.

Will you pass a breathalyzer after drinking a pint of whiskey and 6 beers after 10 hours of not drinking?

No, because a pint of whiskey is like 10 beers and 6 more. Thats 16 hours you would have to wait.....

Will i pass a breathalyzer 9 hours after drinking two beers?

If you didn't have any other alcohol, you probably will pass it.

Is 24 hours long enough to blow 0.00 on a breathalyzer?

Depends on what your BAC was at the beginning of the 24 hour period, and that state of your liver.

Will you pass a breathalyzer after not drinking for 10 hours?

You may not pass a breathalyzer after not drinking for 10 hours. Each person's metabolism is different, some could pass and some will not.

How long after you drink will you blow 0000 on a breathalyzer?

Approximately 24 hours after you have last had alcohol or drank, you will blow a 0000 on a breathalyzer. 24 hours is the minimum amount of time it takes for alcohol to completely leave the system.

How do you beat a breathalyzer?

Don't drink is the only way to "beat" a breathalyzer. Or, get sober long before you drive, over many hours. The breathalyzer test is very sensitive. You cannot fool it. It will not help to chew gum or suck on mints. There is one OTHER way to avoid a breathalyzer... have a designated sober driver.

You had 4 beers last night is it okay to drive this morning?

That depends on how long your night is. Your body weight will also be a factor. Normally 6 to 8 hours should be enough time for your body to remove the alcohol from the system.

Can a breathalyzer be passed 12 hrs after drinking alcohol?

A Breathalyzer may or may not be able to be passed 12 hours after drinking alcohol. This depends on how much the person drank, and how fast their body metabolizes the alcohol.

If you drink 35 beers in six hours what would your bac possibly be?

The answer depends on many factors, including gender, how much food is consumed, etc. However, consuming 35 beers in six hours would be dangerous for anyone.

How long does it take for the average adult to metabolize four ounces beers?

four hours

Is it possible to drink 17 beers in 5 hours?

Yes, it's called Tuesday.