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i get dizzy if i dont take the medicine about an hour after eating - taking the med with food doesnt work for me, the medicine seems to beat the food into my system. I am a 47 year old woman who has been on this drug for 4 months. In the last month, I have had increasing problems with dizzyness, I even wake up at night and when I turn over in bed the room begins to spin...rather strange. ANYWAY, because this symptom is becoming a daily thing, along with B/p and pulse problems, insomina, abdominal cramping, stomack upset (all daily issues)...I will be discontinuing use of Strattera....these are problems I don't need to live with.I bent over in my garden yesterday, and about fell over due to the dizziness ..believe it to be orthostatic hypotension issues that is mentioned in side effect possibilities. My 17 year old daughter has been on Straterra for just over 4 months. She started having dizzy spells and headaches about 6 weeks ago. She even passed out once. Her doctor does not think it is the medication -- I have made an appointment with a neurologist, but in the meantime I will be seeking to ween her off this medication, hopefully without major side-effects.

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Q: Is severe dizziness a side effect of Strattera?
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