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it is a natural indicator

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Q: Is shoe flower a natural indicator?
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Related questions

Which flower is known as the shoe flower?

Hibiscus flower is known as Shoe flower.

Why hibiscus called shoe flower?

Coz Hibiscus is an ever green shrub, its flower when dried is made a powder and is used as a 'shoe-shine'/'shoe-polish' and hence called as a Shoe Flower

Is shoe flower a unisexual or bisexual flower?

Bisexual flower

What is a natural pigment that can act as an indicator?

red cabbage is the natural pigment that can act as an indicator.

What are petals of shoe flower?


How you can make a natural indicator?

You can use brightly coloured berries, flower petals and vegetables to make a natural indicator. The first thing you need to do is crush all your plant pieces using a pestle and mortar. Then you must add a little bit of methylated spirit. After that, keep on crushing until all the colour has come out. Then seperate the liquid from the plant remains using a pipette. Now you have a natural indicator. Hope this helped!

How do you say shoe flower in Arabic?


Name of shoe flower?

Slipper orchid.

Which flower is used as an acid-base indicator?

The china rose also known as the hibiscus flower

Is litmus a natural indicator?

litmus is a natural indicator because it is obtained from a natural source e.g. lichens mainly roccella is not synthesized in the laboratory.

Is gumamela flower be used as a shoe blackening?

The Gumamela flower can be used as a shoe blackening agent. The juice itself from the petals is used for the agent and can also be used in mascara.

Is plumbagin a natural indicator?
