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Hi. It's funny that you mention that. I never had any issues with my speech, but I find on 20 mg. of Strattera per day I find myself stuttering and slurring my words on occassion.

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Q: Is slurred speech a side effect of Strattera?
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The word "enzodiazepines" is a misspelling of benzodiazepines, which can easily be searched. But in addition to the commonly listed effects, they also cause the user the be belligerent and over confident. Sedation is not the primary effect. -- Nehmo (below is the previous answer) Sedation is a common effect, and clumsiness, lightheadedness, and slurred speech are other possible side effects of benzodiazepines.

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Is extreme sleepiness a side effect of Strattera and does it go away after a few days?

I Was sleeping everyday on my lunch hour while taking Strattera, It made me feel dopey but it did help a little with concentration issues strangely enough. Just switched to metatdate...hope it works better. N One of the side effects of Strattera is fatigue, but this is not considered a permanent side effect and should resolve itself in two or three weeks as your body becomes accustomed to the drug. When you increase your dose or go off Strattera for a day or more, the fatigue may kick back in as your body re-adjusts, but for most users, this side-effect eventually goes away. Every person is different, though, and if you are taking other drugs, there could be interactions with them that will cause unexpected side effects.

Is slurred speech ever a side effect of Prozac Should I try another SSRI if Prozac gave me bad side effects?

Side effects vary from one person to another, it's impossible to tell what side effects one gets from taking a specific medication, but they are usually common and are usually reported in the leaflet included with the packing of the medication. You should talk to your doctor if you are considering switching medications.

Can Strattera make Hepatitis appear in boys?

Yes, in fact, in 2004 the FDA required Lilly to put a warning on Strattera that it could cause hepatitis. This is a very uncommon side effect. The hepatitis typically goes away when the drug is stopped.

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Fast or pounding heartbeat; constipation; trouble urinating; red eyes; slurred speech; changes in sight, smell, taste, touch or hearing.