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Q: Is smart an internal or external character trait?
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What are some character traits?

Traits are anything about the character -- anything you write will be a trait, from external things like their appearance to internal things like their personality or behaviors.

Is flexible an external or internal trait?

i think its and internal trait because it's what you can do because u can't learn how to be flexible,you have to have in your genes so its internal

What is an external trait for a character in a book?

An external trait for a character in a book refers to a physical characteristic or behavior that is observable by others. This could include attributes such as hair color, facial features, body language, clothing style, or mannerisms. These traits can help to create a more vivid and detailed description of the character for readers.

Is smart a character trait?

No, "smart" is not considered a character trait. It is a description of someone's intelligence or ability to think quickly and make wise decisions. Character traits are related to a person's values, beliefs, and personality characteristics.

What good character trait does Albert Einstein have?

Smart,Good Leader

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What character trait is albert Einstein?

i believe to be smart,a good leader, great in science

Explain what is meant by the statement Organisms regulate their internal environment?

This statement relates to the universal trait of living organisms. This trait is their ability to maintain an internal state, allowing for survival, given an acceptable range of external conditions.

Is powerful a character trait?

"Powerful" is typically more of a descriptor or attribute rather than a standalone character trait. Character traits such as determination, compassion, or honesty are more foundational aspects of one's personality or behavior. The term "powerful" is often used to describe someone's influence, strength, or impact.

What is the chracter trait?

A character trait is basically the personality of someone. For example my character trait can be generous.

Is tomboy a character trait?

Yes, any personality trait is a character trait.

Is age an external or internal trait?

Is age something you can see on the outside, or is it emotional or mental? You could make a case for it being both at once.