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no,it just means you need to get rid of bactira

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Q: Is sneezing a sign of death?
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is sneezing a sign of cocaine use?

No, it's not - sneezing is a broad example of MANY symptoms such as a cold for example.

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How many people a day die from sneezing?

It is extremely rare for someone to die as a direct result of sneezing. Sneezing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways of irritants, and the force of a sneeze is usually not strong enough to cause serious injury or death.

Are June bugs the sign of death?

Cancer is considered the sign of birth and death, if this helps...

Why some people sneezing is a bad luck?

The belief that sneezing is a sign of bad luck varies across cultures and superstitions. In some cultures, it is believed that sneezing expels the soul or brings illness. These beliefs have likely developed from cultural and historical factors, rather than any scientific basis. Ultimately, whether sneezing is considered bad luck or not is subjective and dependent on individual beliefs and cultural traditions.

What are the symptoms of a sick mouse?

it may have pink around the eyes rough fur pink bald spots around sneezing and chattering if there are bald spots that is a sign of parasites. if sneezing and chattering this may be a sign of a infection of the nose in this case you will need to take it so the vet and it may die in matter of days like two or three if lucky four

Is the eye of Horus a sign of Death?

it is the sign of good health

Can cardinals be a sign of death?

Cardinals are not the "symbol of death," the bird you must be thinking of is a Crow, or Raven. Cardinals are the state bird for Indiana, not a sign of death

Can sneezing break your neck?

some people die from sneezing

What is the astrological sign for death?


LATE sign of hypoxia?


What are late sign of shock?

Unconsciousness is the last sign of shock. Followed by death.