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Q: Is snicker and chuckle a negative?
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Related questions

What is the synonym laugh?

chuckle laugh chortle giggle snicker

What candy bar is named after a form of laughter?

the answer is 'snicker' snicker is the bar with nut, chocolate and the filling that's in a milky way..... to snicker is to chuckle quietly

Synonyms for the word laugh?

chuckle, giggle, roar, scream, snicker, whoop, howl

What are some synonyms for the word 'snicker'?

Synonyms for the word "snicker" include giggle, chuckle, chortle, snigger, smirk, sneer, titter, sniggle and guffaw. Any word for a snarky laugh will be a synonym for snicker.

What are other words for laugh?

Giggle, Snigger, Snort, grin, hoot Snicker, guffaw, chortle, chuckle

Words that mean the same of laugh?

Caccination Giggle Snicker Chortle Lampoon Cackle Shriek Titter Snorting Those are the only ones I can think of now... We can add chuckle and guffaw

What is the meaning for chuckling?

To chuckle is to laugh quietly or inwardly. Some synonyms would be giggling, snicker, chortle, titter, or tee hee.

What are some synonyms of the word 'giggle'?

"Giggle" is usually used to mean a small high-pitched laugh. "Titter" is very similar to this meaning. Other words that could be used similarly to giggle are "chortle", "chuckle", and "snicker".

What is a synonym for 'laughter'?

GIGGLY : exhibiting short or nervous laughter or silliness. Synonyms of "giggling" include "snickering" or "tittering", which have no true adverb form.

How do you make a model of a sphinx?

With your hands! *snicker* *snicker*

How can you use the word chuckle in a sentence?

That movie made me chuckle.

When was The Acquisitive Chuckle created?

The Acquisitive Chuckle was created in 1972.