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no it is not

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Q: Is sniffling your nose constantly bad for your sinuses?
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Is getting nosebleeds in the middle of the night as a child bad?

If you got a soft septum its natural but if you constantly get them without a soft nose its bad.

Why is milk bad for your sinus?

the enzymes in milk clogs your sinuses

Is drawing eyes nose and mouth bad?

it is bad to draw eyes and mouth and nose

When snorting cocaine what happens to your nose?

In addition to the effects of the drug itself, snorting drugs up your nose does cause additional issues. Snorting drugs causes irritation and damage to the lining of the nose as well as to the sinuses.

What bad things did the Essene do?

essence is bad for your nose/

Is something wrong with Juliet Huddy's nose?

Bad nose job.

Zac Efron had a nose Job?

he might have got a nose job. but his nose doesn't look bad

Are nose rings bad for your health?


Can you pierce your nose with a earring?

yes i think you can pierce your nose with an earring i did its not that bad .

Why does a bad smell come from your nose?

you can smell a bad smell in your nose is because, when you inhale, your nose takes your ,"smellings" into the nose to something that takes the materials and sends a signal to your brain, which makes a bad scent

Is it bad to stick your finger inside your nose when you have a runny nose?

Yes never ever do that it bad for your health and you could catch a bigger cold

When did the nose got destroyed?

it was believed that the enemies the bad spirit will come in threw the nose.