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no Pick it up and rinse it off,it is soap afterall.

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Q: Is soap considered 'dirty' if it falls on the floor?
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if some soap falls on the floor, would it be dirty, or would the floor be clean?

the soap would be dirty, because there is just not enough soap to clean the entire floor.

If soap falls on the floor is the floor clean or the soap dirty?

Both? Depends on the way you look at it, really.

If you drop soap on the ground is the soap dirty or is the floor clean?

If you drop soap on the ground, the soap is dirty AND the floor is clean.

If you drop soap on your bathroom floor is the floor clean or is the soap dirty?

The soap is always clean because the soap cannot get dirty. The floor doesn't get cleaned because the soap was just dropped, so it wasn't scrubbed around and wasn't able to clean it. So, I think that the soap is clean and the floor is dirty unless you have a clean floor.

If you drop the soap on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?

The soap is always clean because the soap cannot get dirty. The floor doesn't get cleaned because the soap was just dropped, so it wasn't scrubbed around and wasn't able to clean it. So, I think that the soap is clean and the floor is dirty unless you have a clean floor.

When you drop soap on the floor does the soap get dirty or the floor get clean?

The soap gets dirty because you don't know what could be on the floor like germs and it gets all over the soap

What is the duration of Dirty Soap?

The duration of Dirty Soap is 2520.0 seconds.

When was Dirty Soap created?

Dirty Soap was created on 2011-09-25.

When did Dirty Soap end?

Dirty Soap ended on 2011-11-13.

How can you remove ground in dirt from a tile floor?

Mop the floor with hot water and soap (let it sit on the floor for about 15 minutes) . If the floor is really dirty you can buy a mild floor stripping product from your hardware store or you can rent a floor buffing machine. When the top dirt has been removed you can scrub the grout lines by hand with a green scrubbing pad with soap and water.

How do you clean a dirty neck?

with soap

If you have dirty hands and soap can your hands ever get clean?

Yes, that is what soap is for, cleansing.