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Q: Is sodium a major source of pollution?
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What is that Major source of air pollution in Beijing?

factories and cars

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What is the major source of pollution in large cities?

The answer is smog

What is the major source of human caused pollution?

The largest source of human-caused air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels. 90% of air pollution is from power plants and automobiles.

What is the major source of lead pollution in Indian cities?

Urbanization and industrialization

What is the major source of calcium and sodium in oceans?

Minerals dissolved in aquifers

What is the difference point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution?

the difference is that a point source pollution comes from a specific site & the non-point source pollution comes from many sources rather than a single specific site. or point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that does not have a specific point of orign....................:-)Hisme John

What is pollution that comes from one source called?

Point-source pollution

What is pollution that comes from only one source called?

point source pollution

What is the difference between point and nonpoint sources of pollution?

the difference is that a point source pollution comes from a specific site & the non-point source pollution comes from many sources rather than a single specific site. or point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that does not have a specific point of orign....................:-)Hisme John